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Commissioner Gordon said that the employees have been hard-working in this financial <br /> situation and she thinks it would be good to do this for the staff and restore this benefit. <br /> Chair Foushee said that employees have gone without a salary increase for two years. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve an amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance Article IV, Section 9.4 <br /> Supplemental Retirement [401(k)] Employer's Contribution to reinstate the County's <br /> contribution effective January 1, 2011. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he is going to vote against this because the 401(k) <br /> compared to other counties is totally out of context compared to the wealth of benefits that <br /> Orange County provides compared to most counties. When the County Commissioners have <br /> surveyed staff, this was not the highest priority. The highest priority is the health insurance <br /> and the Manager has recommended merit pay increases. Orange County is not anywhere <br /> near the budget, so he finds it flabbergasting that they would be talking about committing <br /> money this early in the year. There is some indication that health insurance would cost some <br /> employees more this year. If that is the case, then this will not make a difference. He said that <br /> his vote has no reflection on his respect for employees, but he does not want to preclude <br /> options that may be more valuable to them. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked how much employees were allowed to contribute to <br /> their 401(k) and Michael McGinnis said that it is $16,500 per year for those under 55. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this was something that was taken away and he was trying to <br /> find a way to recognize employees. This is one thing he thought the County could afford. <br /> Chair Foushee said that it bears repeating that there are employees who are getting <br /> 401(k) — sworn officers - as opposed to some employees who are not. She said that the <br /> County should do everything possible for its employees. She said that she has heard <br /> employees say, particularly after the budget session, that they could not understand how the <br /> County could take the 401(k) away. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that it is important for the County to show its commitment <br /> to the long-term financial stability of its citizens. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that if the County Commissioners had this concern for <br /> employees when they allocated the $500,000 from fund balance last June, they would have at <br /> least discussed employee benefits, but they did not. When there are employee matters on the <br /> agenda, they are put toward the end. He is not at all opposed to supporting the employees, in <br /> the context of the budget. <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Update on Property Information Management System (PIMS) <br /> The Board received an update on the current status of the Property Information <br /> Management System implementation. <br /> Director of Tax Administration Jo Roberson gave this update. The "go live" date for this <br /> system is set for October 41h. She gave some background on this project. It actually began in <br /> 2005 and there has been a lot of work. This system is replacing a 30-year old Legacy system. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> Frank Clifton updated the Board of County Commissioners on the efforts regarding the <br /> 1%-cent sales tax referendum education. The County has employed the services of a firm to <br /> help design the logos to be used in the ads and to help coordinate media interaction. There <br /> will be a handout that can be distributed through many resources. <br />