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meeting space with the County in downtown Hillsborough. He thought that this commitment <br /> was made, but it may not be in writing. He knows that the County Manager's predecessor did <br /> have at least one conversation with the Manager of Hillsborough about how this would be <br /> worked out so that there would be some fair compensation for using the facility. <br /> Frank Clifton said that he could have those conversations more formally, if the Board <br /> wanted. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the funds that are committed. Pam Jones said that <br /> the grant is a new source of funds and the rest has been included in the CIP. The HVAC has <br /> been a longstanding line item for all buildings. The same is true for ADA and building access. <br /> It has all been in the CIP for a number of years. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked about the geothermal system and Pam Jones said that <br /> the system would pay for itself within five years. It would have an impact on operating costs. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked questions about the costs and other issues with using <br /> the DSS site. Donna Baker said that there are still problems with the recordings at this site. <br /> Most of the problems are related to the GRANICUS web streaming. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that the project looks really good, but now is not the <br /> time because of the economic situation. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she has similar concerns, specifically cost. She said <br /> that the County cannot afford this right now. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Nelson <br /> to table this item. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would support the motion if they pursue the <br /> feasibility of keeping grant funds for the geothermal system. There is ADA compliance money <br /> here, and the County has been grossly remiss in not mediating this sooner. If money is <br /> available, then this should be done now. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that the plan is great and his second to the motion is just <br /> that the timing is bad. This should be held in abeyance until at least the next budget cycle. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that this board has been a vagabond for so many years <br /> and he regrets this. He encouraged the Board of County Commissioners and the staff to keep <br /> this in the forefront because it is important that the Board of County Commissioners has a <br /> home in the County seat. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance Article IV, Section 9.4 <br /> Supplemental Retirement [401(k)1 Employer's Contribution — Reinstatement of <br /> Contribution <br /> The Board considered approving an amendment to the Orange County Personnel <br /> Ordinance Article IV, Section 9.4 Supplemental Retirement [401(k)] Employer's Contribution to <br /> reinstate the County's contribution effective January 1, 2011. <br /> Human Resources Director Michael McGinnis presented this item. This contribution is <br /> $27.50 per pay period and $715 per year for general employees. The sworn officers continue <br /> to receive 5% of salary. Originally, the contribution was supposed to be taken away until June <br /> 30, 2011, but there have been additional cost-saving measures to allow the reinstatement of <br /> this contribution. The cost for reinstating this effective January 1, 2011 would be $270,000 for <br /> the remainder of the year and $543,000 annually. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked if staff had done a comparison of what other counties <br /> and municipalities are doing in terms of the 401(k). Michael McGinnis said that Orange County <br /> has lagged behind in this area compared to others. <br />