Orange County NC Website
34 <br />•~ <br />Orange County <br />GASB 54 Fund Balance Changes <br />June 30, 2010 <br />Current Presentation <br />balance <br />Reserved for inventories ............................ $ 143,018 <br />Reserved for encumbrances ...................... 1,643,044 <br />Reserved by State Statute ......................... 7,956,442 <br />Designated for future year ezpendilures.... 401,673 <br />Undesignated ............................................. 21,097, 822 <br />Fund Balance <br />GASB 54 Presentation <br />Fund balance <br />Nonspendable <br />Inventories ............................................................ S 143,078 <br />Restricted <br />Resfnded by State Statute ................................... 9,799,486 <br />Committed <br />Committed for Department of Sodal Services...... <br />Assigned ................................................................... 401,673 <br />Unassigned .............................................................. 21,097,622 <br />$ 31,442,059 Total Fund Balance <br />$ 31,442,059 <br />WHAT TO D®? <br />Communicate the fund balance changes to <br />the BOCC, Manager and others so the <br />changes are reflected in the FY 2011-12 <br />Budget . <br />Establish a fund balance policy that <br />implements GASB 54. <br />Change the Fund Definitions and consolidate <br />funds to comply with the new standard. <br />• <br />• <br />