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5©7 <br />that the $400,000 expenditure will be from sales tax and considered as a major <br />County project. <br />Commissioner Willhoit questioned if this project is going to 1 <br />primarily for the kids and if the County is getting the most for its money. <br />He emphasized that the Board has not discussed using these funds for other <br />County needs such as court facilities. <br />Chair Carey stated that the Board does need to address the long- <br />term needs of the courts and perhaps should revisit the policy for the use of <br />these funds. He asked John Link to meet with the YMCA to see if they are <br />interested in working with the County in some kind of partnership arrangement <br />for a facility in central Orange County that would be economically viable. <br />Dan Kidd of TYHA noted that this facility will generate revenue to <br />fund projects for years to come. He stated that the user fees at the YMCA are <br />four times as much. Commissioner Halkiotis stated his support for this <br />project. He feels this recreational facility will provide a healthy outlet <br />for everyone in this County. <br />John Link will talk with each County Commissioners to get their <br />specific questions about this project and bring back the answers at the next <br />meeting. The policy issues that need to be addressed are (1) whether or not <br />the County Commissioners will continue using the sales tax revenues as they <br />do now, and (2) County capital versus school capital. John Link will present <br />at the next meeting a resolution relating to the project. <br />VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. AUTHORIZATION TO REGULATE CABLE TELEVISION RATES <br />Attorney Mark Sheridan gave an overview of the Cable TV Act <br />Albert Kittrell explained that the cable Television Consumer Protection an.. <br />Competition Act of 1992 expanded the authority of the FCC to regulate rates <br />of cable systems for various services. The FCC guidelines permit local <br />governments to apply to the FCC for certification to enforce rates for local <br />broadcast television signals and "public access" channels. The certification <br />form confirms that the County will (1) enforce the applicable rate regulations <br />consistent with FCC guidelines, (2) consider the local cable system subject <br />to FCC rate regulations, and (3) has the authority and ability to enforce the <br />rate regulations. In order to regulate rates of the local cable systems, the <br />County will incur costs for rate. reviews and analysis. Triangle J has <br />submitted a proposal outlining the services they can provide at a modest cost. <br />Bob Wynn, Chair of the Cable TV Citizen Advisory Committee stated <br />that the Committee recommended that the Board of Commissioners apply to the <br />FCC for authorization to enforce federal rules regulating certain cable <br />television rates. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to authorize the submission of the Federal Communication Commission <br />Form 328 certifying that the County will administer cable rate regulations <br />consistent with FCC guidelines. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. SWIMMING POOL FINANCING - moved to item VII-B <br />C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT OVERSIGHT IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />This item was presented by Commis:;ioners Gordon and Insko <br />Commissioner Gordon gave a brief summary of the information in the agenda <br />abstract. The four principles in the memorandum dated April 10, 1993 are an