Minutes - 19930921
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19930921
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516 - n <br />3. Public health. The county should take the steps necessary to <br />protect the public health. <br />Questions to be asked for each of the five decision areas given <br />below: Is the proposed effort necessary for the protection of the <br />public health? Could the collection of more systematic information <br />about groundwater in Orange County, such as that being proposed by <br />the Water Resources Committee, help address these questions <br />concerning the steps necessary to protect groundwater? <br />4. Growth atterns. To the extent that the M&MA program affects <br />county growth patterns, it should be implemented to promote county <br />policies, or at least to be neutral. <br />Questions to be asked for each of the five decision areas given <br />below: What existing or proposed county policies are impacted by <br />the M&MA program? Does the proposed M&MA program carry out those <br />county policies? <br />FIVE AREAS IN WHICH DECISIONS ARE TO BE MADE <br />Each of these five areas of the M&MA program should be judged by <br />the four general principles stated above. In addition, the <br />following specific questions-need to be answered. <br />1. Ins ection of mobile-home narks. <br />Specific questions to be answered for this area: Not much <br />information is given. What is involved in these annual <br />inspections? <br />2. Monitoring <br />excluded.) <br />The monitoring pi <br />county programs. <br />Fees" (June 29, <br />program, but the <br />of DEH-re ulated systems. " (Types I and II <br />•oposed in this area is the most similar to ongoing <br />. Note: The M&MA program "Report of Costs and <br />1992) excludes Type III as a component of the <br />August 1992 documents include Type III. <br />3. Monitoring of DEM-requlated systems. (New. And existing systems <br />handled together.) Currently the state does inspections for these <br />systems. To undertake monitoring in this area a memorandum of <br />agreement with the state must be executed. <br />Specific questions to be asked for this area: Is it necessary to <br />monitor these systems, or can the state do an adequate job? If we <br />enter into a- memorandum of agreement with the State of North <br />Carolina, will the state still collect fees? If they do, can the <br />county still collect any fees for this service? Will these fees <br />duplicate the state fees? <br />4. Mana ement entities for DEH systems for which a private <br />certified operator is sufficient: T e IV and T e Va and Vb. <br />(New systems handled separately from existing systems.) In the <br />M&MA program it is proposed that the Health Department be the <br />management entity for Type IV systems. <br />Specific questions to be asked for this area: It appears that <br />there is a conflict of interest if the Health Department both
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