2010-144 DSS - Memorandum of Agreement between OC and MANNA FoodBank, Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
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2010-144 DSS - Memorandum of Agreement between OC and MANNA FoodBank, Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
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Last modified
5/14/2018 4:20:36 PM
Creation date
11/3/2010 4:46:43 PM
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* Reach low-income households throughout the county <br />* Provide greater access to the program and an easier means of applying <br />* Educate the community and potential recipients about the FNS Program and how to apply <br />~ Utilize media outlets, trainings, speaking engagements and the like to educate the community <br />and potential recipients <br />Inter-Faith Food Shuttle: <br />Inter-Faith Food Shuttle shares the above goals of DSS, in addition to the following goals <br />included in the North Carolina FNS Outreach Plan. <br />* Conduct FNS outreach throughout Orange County between October 1, 2010-September 30, <br />2011 <br />* Conduct outreach in at least 5 agencies/sites in Orange County (primarily Inter-Faith Food <br />Shuttle partnex agencies) <br />* Distribute radio and television public service announcements in an effort to reach 75,000 radio <br />listeners and 75,000 television viewers in Orange County during the outreach period <br />* Distribute ads, articles, and letters to the editor in print media outlets in an effort to reach <br />20,000 print media readers in Orange County <br />* Promote fns4nc.or~ website as a tool for Yearning about Food & Nutrition Services <br />~ Distribute at least 1,000 pieces of outreach materials to include FNS4NC outreach materials, <br />FNS applications, and FNS brochures <br />* Assist at least 300 households in Orange County with the FNS application process <br />VII. Confidentiality <br />• MANNA FoodBank and Inter-Faith Food Shuttle agree to abide by all state and federal laws, <br />rules and regulations and the Department of Social Services' policy on respecting <br />confidentiality of an individual's personal information. MANNA and Inter-Faith Food Shuttle <br />further agree not to divulge any information concerning any individual to any unauthorized <br />person without the written consent of the individual, consumer/customer/client, or responsible <br />parent or guardian. <br />VIII. Termination <br />• This MOA maybe cancelled or terminated by either of the parties upon 60 days prior written <br />notice without cause. In the event of termination, MANNA FoodBank shall pay that portion of <br />the outpost worker's salary, benefits, and mileage expenses earned to the date of termination. <br />IX. Nondiscrimination of consumer/customer/client <br />• MANNA FoodBank and Inter-Faith Food Shuttle agree to comply with federal and state laws, <br />rules and regulations, and the DSS policy relative to nondiscrimination in <br />consumer/customer/client and consumer/customer/client service practices because of political <br />affiliation, religion, color, sex, handicap, age, creed, veteran status, or national origin. <br />X. Relationship of the Parties <br />Neither of the Parties, nor any employee of the Parties, shall be deemed to be an officer, <br />employee or agent of the other Party. <br />XI. Indemnity <br />MANNA FoodBank and Inter-Faith Food Shuttle agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless <br />the County from all loss, liability, claims or expense, including attorney's fees, arising out of or <br />related to the Project and arising from bodily injury including death or property damage to any <br />
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