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453 <br /> and destruction of our county's pets. <br /> .,OTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> C. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR BILLIE HORNER <br /> Register of Deeds Betty June Hayes stated that Billie Horner -has <br /> served the County for 35 years. She has been a helpmate, teammate and a <br /> coworker and will sincerely be missed. She wished her well in her retirement. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hal.kiotis to approve the resolution of appreciation for Ms. Horner's service <br /> as stated below: <br /> RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION <br /> FOR <br /> BILLIE B. HORNER <br /> ASSISTANT REGISTER OF DEEDS <br /> WHEREAS, Billie B. Horner has been a loyal and dedicated employee of Orange <br /> County for the past 35 years, and has served as the Assistant <br /> Register of deeds since- 1964, and - <br /> WHEREAS, She has done an outstanding job for the Register of Deeds office and <br /> the citizens of orange County, and. <br /> WHEREAS, Ms. Horner is known for her unquestioned integrity in protecting <br /> public records, and her willingness to share this sense of values <br /> and knowledge with others through teaching, training, and <br /> supporting, and <br /> 9HEREAS, She leaves behind a legacy founded on the highest ideals of a life <br /> devoted to public service, and <br /> WHEREAS, The Board wishes her well in her retirement. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> recognize and appreciate Ms. Horner's years of service to Orange <br /> County, and we furthermore express gratitude for the positive <br /> influence she has had on the lives she has touched. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br /> A. PRESENTATION CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN <br /> FINANCIAL REPORTING <br /> John Link noted that this award is the highest award given for <br /> financial management in the county. This is the eleventh straight year the <br /> department has received this award. <br /> Ken Chavious, Howard Fitts and Deborah Austin were in attendance to <br /> receive this award. Ken Chavious also recognized Deborah Smith and Joyce <br /> F Reiners who were not in attendance. He commended his staff for the outstanding <br /> job they do. <br /> VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS _ NONE <br /> F <br /> VII. REPORTS <br /> A. HUMAN SERVICE COORDINATING COUNCIL STATUS REPORT <br /> Jan Schopler, Chair of the Coordinating Council presented a status <br />