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450 <br /> III. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissions <br /> Halkiotis to approve those items on the Consent Agenda as stated below: <br /> A. CP-2-93 LOUIS AND JOE BERINI <br /> This item was removed and considered before the decision items. <br /> B. PROPERTY TAX REFUNDS <br /> The Board approved the fallowing property tax refunds: <br /> NAME ACCOUNT AMOUNT <br /> Jack K. Wier 33119 $ 1,595.67 <br /> Michael Strayhorn 9171 37.37 <br /> Sally L. Efird 20342 839.41 <br /> Donald J. Thompson 84903 19.47 <br /> Gilbert M. Coridan 110706 1,223.28 <br /> Edward and Elizabeth <br /> Underwood 42122 582 . 67 <br /> General Electric Capital 922119 131.70 <br /> Dennis R. Young 121975 1,069.24 <br /> Calderon, David Pasqual 159321 42.27 <br /> C. MEMORANDUM RENEWAL WITH NORTH STATE LEGAL SERVICES <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the Memorandum <br /> of Agreement with North State Legal Services for the provision of legal <br /> counseling and assistance for orange County residents sixty years and older who <br /> exceed North State's income eligibility guidelines but who cannot afford <br /> seek legal services from the private sector. The county contribution is $1' <br /> with $1, 539 funded from the Older American Act. <br /> D. PTA SECTION 18 PROGRAM STANDING AGREEMENT <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the grant <br /> agreement and resolution. This document is the major component for <br /> establishing Orange county as a Section 18 sub--recipient, and thereby <br /> establishing the channels through which the related federal and state funds and <br /> responsibilities would flow. <br /> E. UNC HOSPITALS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT RENEWALS <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign this agreement <br /> which will provide for extending the duration of existing contracts with the <br /> UNC Hospitals for four months until October 31, 1993 . <br /> F. MEETING STIPEND FOR THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the Memorandum <br /> of Agreement with the Clerk to the Board. This will provide a meeting stipend <br /> of $75. 00 per regular meeting with the total amount paid not to exceed $1, 650. <br /> G. PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT PERMITTED USE <br /> TABLE NURSING HOMES SPECIAL USES OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS, <br /> DEFINITIONS <br /> This item was removed and considered before the Items for Decision. <br /> H. JAIL INSPECTION REPORT <br /> The Board received the jail inspection report for July, 1993 from <br /> the North Carolina Department of Human Resources in accordance with the General <br />