ORD-2005-044 - Central Orange Northern Orange Senior Center Capital Project Ordinance
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2005-044 - Central Orange Northern Orange Senior Center Capital Project Ordinance
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6/21/2011 12:37:27 PM
Creation date
11/1/2010 2:26:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-23-2005-9b
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o~ A- a~as- o~-~ <br />~ r~39 boy <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Homestead Road and Weaver Dairy Road <br />Extension would be busy when Carolina North is built. He asked how this was incorporated in <br />the design and the fact that there would be a lot of noise on the same side as the glass. <br />Richard Gurlitz said that there will be a 30-foot buffer and the insulated glass. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the ERCD staff will work with Richard Gurlitz to assure <br />that the trees are conserved. <br />Richard Gurlitz said that the Town of Chapel Hill Manager and staff are requesting a <br />crosswalk to Homestead Park that was requested by Active Seniors. The cost would be <br />$60,000-$100,000 and the city will define it more in the SUP process. Others have said that <br />this crosswalk should not be part of the site but the Town wants to keep it in as part of the <br />approval process and it would have to be approved through DOT. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested taking the money for this crosswalk out of the money <br />to be used for Homestead Park. He suggested asking the Town to defer consideration of the <br />crosswalk until there can be a conversation about it. The Chair should write a letter to the Town <br />stating that the Board's position is that the crosswalk not be made a condition of approval until <br />there is a discussion about it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve plans as submitted and to add language to the resolution that the crosswalk not be <br />part of the condition of approval. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Approval of Fiscal Year 2005-06 Budget Ordinance, Capital Proiect <br />Ordinances, and Grant Proiect Ordinances <br />The Board considered adopting the County's budget ordinance, capital project <br />ordinances, and grant project ordinances for FY 2005-06. <br />John Link said that the Board made confirmed changes to the Manager's <br />Recommended Budget, which are highlighted in the Resolution of Intent. Page 5 specifically <br />captures the major changes to the budget. Section 1 states the major funds in the budget. <br />Section 2 identifies the appropriation by major function. Section 3 is the revenue side. Section <br />4 is the tax rate levy for the fire districts. Section 5 states the approved per pupil amount for <br />current expense, which is $2,796 per student. There are 10 sections. <br />The yellow paper has the actual motions for the Board to consider. <br />John Link said that because of actions the Board took during deliberations on capital, <br />they will have to bring back the revised capital improvement plan for the two school systems <br />and the County after the break. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the percentage of the budget used for education. <br />Budget Director Donna Dean said that the education funding equals $72 million, which is 48% <br />of the general fund. This includes current expense, recurring capital, long-range capital, debt <br />service, and school nurses. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about non-departmental allocations and Donna Dean <br />said that this is not included. She will bring this information back. Commissioner Halkiotis said <br />that it is important to highlight that because if it were taken away, there would be significant <br />impacts. <br />Motion 1: <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt the 2005-06 Orange County Budget Ordinance to include a Countywide tax rate of 84.3 <br />cents and a Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools District Tax of 18.34 cents. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />
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