Orange County NC Website
355 <br /> 3. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT <br /> Public Works Director Wilbert.McAdoo explained the change that <br /> will take place during the next year in rural solid waste collection. <br /> 4. PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES <br /> Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass stated that they received 3 , 057 calls <br /> last year from Cheeks Township. Things have improved in the Perry Hills area <br /> because of citizen involvement. . The largest number of calls are service <br /> related for assistance. <br /> B. COMMUNITY CONCERNS <br /> Bennie Cecil asked that the traffic pattern from I-85 to Efland <br /> Cedar Grove Road be investigated. This has become a very dangerous <br /> intersection at certain times of the day. <br /> A question was asked about the sewer service for the Buckhorn area. <br /> John Link explained that there is an amount of money in the CIP to extend the <br /> water and sewer from the Alamance line to the area adjacent to the golf <br /> course. The County has applied for a grant to help those who live in the <br /> Efland area with failing septic systems. <br /> Wilbert McAdoo will try to get some road signs for illegal dumping. <br /> Confidential calls to 911 and how these may be handled in the <br /> future was discussed. <br /> Sim Efland talked about his plan to raise money. It included <br /> bringing natural gas from the south side of the railroad tracks, extending <br /> cable, creating more jobs and having Amtrack serve the county. He also would <br /> like to show the County Commissioners a site for an airport. He suggested <br /> taxing each new car in the County $100. 00 to help with school costs. <br /> C. REPORT - ALBEMARLE-PAMLICO ESTUARINE STUDY <br /> The Board received a report from Mr. Joe Hollowell, a <br /> representative of the .N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources <br /> concerning the Albemarle--Pamlico Estuarine Study. He explained that the goal <br /> of the study is to produce a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan <br /> for the estuary which will recommend potential environmental protection <br /> strategies for the Albemarle and Pamlico estuarine system and watershed. A <br /> third , draft will be out in July which will be shared with the County <br /> Commissioners for their comments. <br /> D. ORANGE-PERSON--CHATHAM MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - SPACE NEEDS IN <br /> SOUTHERN ORANGE <br /> The Board received a report from Mr. Tom Maynard, Area Director, <br /> OPC Mental Health Services, regarding Orange-Person-Chatham Mental Health <br /> Services' long range space needs. He explained how they are serving more <br /> clients because of their outreach efforts. The caseload has doubled during <br /> the last two years. Last year they served 4300 people. They have 82 people <br /> in 54 offices. He showed slides of the crowded working conditions for his <br /> staff. In the short term they plan to purchase a modular building and to <br /> renovate the lower floor of their present facility. In 1996 they will expand <br /> to the adjacent southern human services building. He asked that the Board <br /> help with solving their long range space needs. <br /> Mr. Tony Dalton, Chair of the OPC Mental Health Board, spoke in <br /> support of additional space to serve clients and for the staff. <br />