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352 <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked how this program would interface with <br /> existing programs like Kidscope and all the other programs in the County. <br /> John Link noted that one of the things that came out of t <br /> symposium was a need to coordinate all agencies which provide daycare service <br /> in Orange County. <br /> Sus Russell stated that the money from this program would go <br /> through an existing program. The focus would be on. the child and family <br /> together and how to improve their lives. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked that a report be put on the June 29th <br /> agenda to further discuss this initiative. She would like this report to <br /> include a list of the members of this task force and exactly what is needed <br /> from Orange County. <br /> BOARD COMMENTS <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis voiced his concern about youth needs and youth <br /> issues in the County and offered to head a committee to begin addressing the <br /> problems. He feels the situation is out of control and something needs to <br /> be done now and that someone needs to take the lead. He will coordinate this <br /> effort with Sharron Siler in the Manager's office. <br /> Chair Carey agreed that something needs to be done. <br /> Commissioner Insko feels that early intervention is one solution along <br /> with additional recreational activities. <br /> There was a consensus of the Board for Commissioner Halkiotis to work <br /> with the Manager's office to begin addressing youth needs and youth issues. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit suggested that this be placed on the June 29th <br /> agenda for further discussion. He stated that there is a need to get tr <br /> community working together but it is important to have a proposal containin . <br /> specific objectives. It may be well to start with a planning group. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked for a report on June 29th on the <br /> complaints received about Cabelvision. <br /> Commissioner Insko commended the Department of Social Services and the <br /> Domiciliary Board for resolving the situation at a local nursing home. <br /> PUBLIC CHARGE. <br /> Chair Carey dispensed- with the reading of the Public Charge. <br /> III. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br /> A Motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve those items on the consent agenda as listed below: <br /> A. 199293 AUDIT CONTRACT <br /> The Board approved the audit contract with Deloitte & Touche for <br /> fiscal year 1992-93 at a cost of $49,800 and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> B. PETITION FOR ABANDONMENT - A PORTION OF GINGER ROAD NORTH OF <br /> CHANDLER'S GREEN SUBDIVISION <br /> This item was considered under "Items Removed from the Consent <br /> Agenda" . <br /> C. HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS <br /> The Board approved proposed amendments to the Historic Preservatic. <br /> Ordinance as recommended by the State Historic Preservation Office which wily. <br /> insure compliance with standards for Certified Local Governments. <br />