Orange County NC Website
9 <br />E. The user will be responsible for the cost of necessary repairs or replacement of lost <br />or damaged property of the County which is part of the System or used in the <br />operation and maintenance of the System which repair or replacement is caused by <br />or results from the negligence or wrongful act of the user, the user's agents or <br />employees. Likewise any damage or injury to persons or property which occurs on <br />the premises of the user and which is caused by or results from the negligence or <br />wrongful act of the user will be the sole responsibility of the user. <br />F. The amount of any such loss or damage or the cost of repairs or replacements will <br />be, when applicable, added as a charge to the user's account which charge will be <br />added in full to the user's next statement unless other arrangements are made which <br />are satisfactory to the County. <br />G Should the user'splumbing_servicelina or other apparatus belon<rin~ to the user be ~~-'--'- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />damaged in such a way as to allow groundwater stormwater, or surface water to_ <br />enter into the County's collection svstem, the user will be responsible for any <br />repairs necessary to keep the.groundwater stormwater or surface water out of_the <br />County's collection system Upon notification from the County that such a <br />condition exists the user will have 45 days to make the repair. A County official <br />will need to verify_by inspection that the repair has been made. Should the user not <br />make the required repair within the time allowed the County will repair the user's <br />svstem and add the cost of the repair to the user's next statement. as outlined in <br />Section VIII (F.). <br />H Should the user's plumbing service line or other apparatus belonein~ to the user be <br />dama€?ed in such a way as to allow wastewater from the user's residence or business <br />to be deposited outside the collection svstem e e a leak onto the around the user <br />will be responsible for any repairs necessary to make the system whole. LTnon <br />notification from the County that such a condition exists the user will have 45 days <br />to make the r~air A County official will need to verify by inspection that the <br />re air has been made Should the user not make the required repair.. within the time <br />allowed the County will repair the user's system and add the cost of the repair to <br />the user's next statement as outlined in Section VIII (F). <br />lX. EXTENSIONS OF THE SYSTEM <br />System extensions to serve undeveloped land may occur, but only as follows: <br />A. All such extensions must be consistent with the overall System plan as adopted <br />from time to time by Orange County. All such extensions must be approved by the <br />County Engineer. <br />B. Extension of the System to new developments can only be approved by the County <br />Engineer if all zoning, subdivision, land use plan and comprehensive plan <br />regulations of Orange County or the Town of Hillsborough, if applicable, are met. <br />With respect to subdivisions, the subdivision preliminary plat must be approved by <br />the County or the Town, if applicable, which preliminary plat shall include <br />approved preliminary plans for the System extension. Planned development plans <br />which include System extensions must include approved preliminary plans for the <br />System extension. <br />C. All System extensions must be consistent with Goal 9.3 of the Orange County Land <br />Use Plan which goal "prohibit[s] the establishment of public water and sewer <br />services in the areas designated water quality critical areas, except to address <br />emergency situations" and with any Water and Sewer Policy of the County adopted <br />as part of its Comprehensive Plan. <br />