Agenda - 11-04-2010 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-04-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-04-2010 - 7a
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/29/2010 12:37:05 PM
Creation date
10/29/2010 12:37:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-04-2010
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
RES-2010-085 Resolution Amending Resolution Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Operation of a Sewer Collection Treatment System to Serve the Efland Area of OC
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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3 <br />Section VIII (G) and VIII (H) -User Responsibility: This amendment is meant to address a <br />gap of responsibility that exists in the existing Resolution. The existing amendment clearly <br />states that the County is responsible for maintaining any of the sewer collection system within <br />County easements or in public rights-of-way, but the customer is responsible for the portion of <br />the system which runs across their private property. When there is a problem with the pipe that <br />connects the customer's house/business to the main sewer line, the responsibility to fix this <br />rests with the customer. County staff believes there needs to be a way for the County to <br />maintain the integrity of the system in a timely manner rather than wait for the customer to <br />address an issue. Most customers resolve problems quickly, especially if it impairs the function <br />of their bathrooms. However, for some issues, like a broken cleanout pipe in their yard, the <br />plumbing will continue to work fine for a while and the issue is not urgent enough for them to fix <br />it. <br />Broken cleanouts can allow thousands of gallons of stormwater into the sewer line during a <br />rainstorm, so they represent a major source of inflow into the sewer collection system. Because <br />the County pays to treat every gallon of water that flows to the Town of Hillsborough, a broken <br />cleanout can be very costly to the system. This amendment would allow the County to be <br />proactive in correcting these types of problems, even though the financial responsibility will still <br />rest with the customer. <br />Section XII.(G.) -Filling Swimming Pools: Due to the increasing cost of sewer service, <br />several customers have requested that water they use to fill their swimming pools in the <br />summer be excluded from their sewer bill. A customer's sewer bill is based on the reading on <br />their water meter, so if the water used to fill the swimming pool was not excluded, their sewer <br />bill would include a significant amount of water that did not enter the sewer system. Staff <br />believes a specific policy in place to address this would eliminate the need fora "judgment call" <br />each time the request is made. This policy would be forwarded to Orange-Alamance Water <br />System, the County's collection and billing agent, for display in the System office and would be <br />something to which the System could refer when customers have questions about filling their <br />pools. <br />Section XII.(H.) -Leak Adjustment Policy: From time to time, a customer will develop a leak <br />in their plumbing that results in a tremendous amount of water flowing past their meter unused. <br />This results in an extremely large water and sewer bill. The current resolution has no leak <br />forgiveness policy of any kind. Currently, if a customer wants an adjustment to their bill due to a <br />leak, they have to request an adjustment directly from the BOCC. The proposed Leak <br />Forgiveness Policy, modeled after the existing Orange-Alamance Water System policy, would <br />be a standing policy that would allow leak adjustment to be handled at the staff level using a <br />defined set of rules approved by the BOCC. The policy would be added to the Efland Sewer <br />Resolution as "Attachment B" and is included in Attachment 1of this abstract. <br />It should be noted that in an effort to ensure that Efland sewer customers were aware of <br />the proposed amendments, staff briefly addressed them during a meeting with <br />representatives of Justice United several weeks ago. Staff also provided draft copies of <br />this abstract and the attachments to Justice United representatives via email in mid- <br />October and offered to meet to discuss the proposed amendments. The Justice United <br />representatives did not follow-up to request a meeting. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Implementation of the Leak Forgiveness Policy and the Swimming Pool <br />Policy will result in a slight loss of revenue to the Efland Sewer Fund. Implementation of the <br />
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