Orange County NC Website
7 <br />2. Progect ®rganizatimn <br />Orange County proposes to install energy a solar hot water heater, T-5 lighting, a I_ow-e <br />ceiling and a high efficiency restroom hand dryer in its indoor recreational facility (Triangle <br />SpoiisPlex). The Triangle SportsPlex is located at 101 Meadowlands Drive, Hillsborough, <br />NC 27278. This faci{ity is one of North Carolina's largest recreational facilities, wifih over <br />90,000 square feet of recreational facilities, including an ice arena, an aquatics center and a <br />fitness center, alt housed in one building. <br />The project •will be staffed and managed by Orange County's Asset Management and <br />Purchasing Services Department (AMPS}. AMPS is responsible for all County capital <br />project and fiscal activity,• space needs analysis and planning, facilities and vehicle <br />management and maintenance, purchasing activity, risk management, and energy <br />management activities. These systems proposed to be partially funded by the Energy <br />Efficiency for County & Municipal Buildings (Recovery Fund) Grant will be operated to <br />prevent reversion to a condifiion of energy waste. AMPS staff is currently familiar and <br />trained on the ground source heat pump system and the hand dryer systems and will <br />receive training on the proposed solar hot water heating system. <br />AMPS Management is fully qualified to manage and optimize these systems wi#hin the <br />overall energy management and sustainable practices strategy of Orange County. AMPS <br />works as a team to ensure that these systems are optimally designed, purchased, installed, <br />and maintained. Pamela Jones, the Director of AMPS, has served Orange County in a <br />purchasing and asset management role since 1985. She provided the leadership and <br />momentum within the County to develop the comprehensive energy and sustainable <br />practices strategy that is being followed today. Jeff Thompson, the AMPS Value Engineer, <br />has supervised the construction and implementation of approximately 255,000 square feet <br />of sustainable designed and energy efficient projects tha# are replacing older, less efficient <br />structures. Mayne Fenton, the AMPS Facilities Manager, has supervised the maintenance <br />and operation of these sustainable systems for over 10 years, and was a co-author of the <br />energy, water, and vehicle fuel conservation policies attached. David Cannell, AMPS <br />Purchasing Agent, manages the procurement processes of all capital project and facilities <br />maintenance programs, and has deep experience with sustainable systems purchasing and <br />compliance. AMPS is also supported in this endeavor by the Orange County Environment <br />~ Resource and Conservation Department {ERCD), fed by David Stanch and supported by <br />Tina ~lomn. ERCD has directed the County's commitment to resource conservation, <br />including, land, water, energy and cultural resources. The County's Economic <br />Development department, represented by Dottie Schmitt, is focused on building the market <br />demand for solar energy technologies throughout Orange County, to position Orange <br />County to capture the job growth and associated economic benefits of this growing industry. <br />Page 3 <br />