Orange County NC Website
30' Sanitary Sewer Easement <br />Orange County Property (Deed Book 270 Page 482) <br />Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, North Carolina <br />June 02, 2004 <br />EASEMENT DESCRIPTION <br />BEING all that tract of land containing 0.017 acres more or less, located in Chapel Hill <br />Township, Orange County, North Carolina; and bounded by lands owned by and /or in <br />possession of persons as follow: on the north by other lands of Orange County, on the east by <br />the western right-of-way line (allowing 46 feet) of Broad Street, and on the south and west by <br />the lands of Clarence E. Payne and being more particularly described by courses based on <br />N. C. Grid North and distances according to a survey with an error of closure of better than 1 <br />to 10,000 entitled "Easement Acquisition Plat of 30' Sanitary Sewer Easement Across Property <br />of Orange County for Orange' Waster and Sewer Authority" by McKim and Creed, P.A., dated <br />October 29, 2003, and last revised May 31, 2004 as follows: <br />COMMENCING at OWASA Manhole # 71-D7-004 having OWASA Sewer System Survey <br />N.C. Grid Coordinates N=787,419.12 feet, E=1,979,901.08 feet; thence as tie lines the <br />following two calls: (1) north 45 deg. 39 min. 46 sec. west 376.90 feet to an iron pipe <br />found, said iron pipe k~eing in the western right-of-way line (allowing 46 feet) of Broad <br />Street, and (2) with the western right-of-way line (allowing 46 feet) of Broad Street <br />north 08 deg. 18 min. 52 sec. west 100.14 feet to a calculated point, said calculated <br />point being the northeastern corner of the~Clarence E. Payne property, said <br />calculated point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving the western <br />right-of-way line (allowing 46 feet) of Broad Street and running with the northern line of <br />the Clarence E. PaynE; property south 81 deg. 39 min. 46 sec. west 49.94 feet to a <br />calculated point, saicl calculated point being a southeast corner of the Clarence E. <br />Payne property; thence with an eastern line of the Clarence E. Payne property (Deed <br />Book 598 Page 185) north 08 deg. 20 min. 14 min. west 15.00 feet to a calculated <br />point; thence as new lines in the Orange County property the following two calls: (1) <br />north 81 deg. 39 min. 46 sec. east 47.45 feet to a calculated point, and (2) south 29 <br />deg. 37 min. 26 sec. east 6.86 feet to a calculated point, said calculated point being <br />in the western line (allowing 46 feet) of Broad Street; thence with the western line <br />(allowing 46 feet) of Broad Street south 08 deg. 20 min. 14 sec. east 8.61 feet to a <br />calculated point, the BEGINNING POINT. <br />®®aaeeeaasa, <br />o ~~ ooao o®E m / <br />o~~® fie'' O` ° S~~~Y ~®' JJ <br />0 <br />m. <br />s ~ e <br />a ~J o v <br />~s <br />~y ' <br />