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228 <br /> important that an economic analysis be. done on whatever options are used. <br /> -. .High density placed appropriately is a major growth management tool. She <br /> stressed that developers cannot support open Space options unless density is <br /> sufficient to support it. <br /> Bob Hall stated that he thinks there are a lot of policy issues that <br /> the County Commissioners need to address. The population goal has not been <br /> addressed. He asked that the Board identify incentives for developers while <br /> at the same time directing the development where the County wants it. <br /> Margaret Brown made reference to the Small Area Plan for Chapel <br /> Hill and noted that in doing that plan, the committee felt that even though <br /> the whole southern area could be served with water and sewer they decided, <br /> because they were thinking of the future and the quality of life, that they <br /> wanted to keep the density as it is now instead of increasing it. They used <br /> a lot of development strategies to maintain the rural character of that area. <br /> To address the affordable housing issue, they decided to provide affordable <br /> housing in other ways. She supports ,what the County Commissioners are doing <br /> to maintain rural character. <br /> Commissioner Gordon noted that the guidelines for all the options <br /> allow commercial development in all developments which is a major shift in <br /> concept in Orange County. She feels there should be designated areas for non- <br /> residential development and it should not be allowed just any place. She <br /> recommends two categories -- one for really rural development and a more dense <br /> development which will allow commercial development. She.referred to the plan <br /> and stated that she didn't feel that their goal was ever to increase density. <br /> It needs to be determined how much density they are willing to give in <br /> exchange for quality open space. Also, the Board needs to discuss how they <br /> deal with alternative systems versus utility provided water and sewer. She <br /> ;would like to see the development tailored to what the land will support. <br /> Commissioner Insko stated she feels that the issue of whether or <br /> not they will ever have light rail needs to be discussed. That will <br /> definitely have an impact on the buildout of the rural areas. She would like <br /> to have some discussion with the other governmental units in Orange County <br /> about the planning that has been done by Triangle J and by the Triangle <br /> Transit Authority.. <br /> John Link suggested taking this plan back to the townships for <br /> their input and the Board agreed. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commission <br /> Willhoit to approve the administration's recommendation as presented with the <br /> addition of taking the plan again to the townships for additional input before <br /> recommendations are brought back to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> e <br /> B. FINANCING ALTERNATIVE .FOR SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUCTION <br /> John Link 'stated that during the CIP discussions last year, the <br /> County Commissioners indicated an interest in financing the construction of <br /> a pool along the initial proposals made by the Triangle Hockey Association. <br /> At that time, the Board asked that staff come back with a firm business plan. <br /> He emphasized that he is not asking that the Board approve a pool. He does <br /> suggest that the County Commissioners adopt the resolution attached to the <br /> agenda item or one similar. It will take a resolution like this for the banks <br /> to see this as a viable process. Sales tax revenues will be used to finance <br /> this pool. <br /> MaryAnne Moore stated that the business plan outlines that the <br /> County could finance $4 million over a ten-year period and that those payments <br />