Orange County NC Website
1 2 M <br /> 9. Action be taken by all appropriate state/county officials to <br /> ensure and enforce the protection of the health, safety, and <br /> welfare of North Carolina's older adults dependent upon the <br /> present domiciliary care system. <br /> 10. New strategies and regulations for improved quality should <br /> maintain the diversity of domiciliary home sizes for consumer <br /> choice. <br /> FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution, prepared by the <br /> Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committees in the Triangle J Region with <br /> underlined modifications, be forwarded to members of the General Assembly, the <br /> State Social Services Commission, Secretary of the Department of Human <br /> Resources, Director of Facility Services, and Director of the Division of <br /> Aging. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> D. BOND SALE RESOLUTION <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Insko to adopt and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as amended <br /> (adding in Section 1 (a) the words "an amount" after the word authorizing) <br /> fixing the details to sell $22 million in bonds on March 9, 1993 . <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br /> VI. PUBLIC BEARINGS - NONE <br /> VXI. REPORTS <br /> A. RURAL CHARACTER STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Marvin Collins presented a report on conceptual strategies to <br /> protect rural character in Orange County, as recommended by the Rural <br /> Character Study Committee and the Planning Board. He presented a slide <br /> program which gave information on various ways of looking at Rural Character <br /> protection and how the strategies will fit into- the larger picture. The <br /> original request for proposals was to come up with a plan for the County which <br /> identified all the open space areas including natural areas, Duke Forest lands <br /> and agricultural land. All other areas would be utilized for development <br /> taking into consideration the constraints of the land. <br /> Mr. Collins reiterated that in November there was a public hearing <br /> on a series of strategies and open space options which represented a first <br /> attempt . by the Rural Character Study Committee (RCSC) to deal with rural <br /> Orange County. In January, the study committee concluded a series of meetings <br /> and made some revisions to the original set of strategies. Three Open Space <br /> options were presented in November: (1) 1 acre Open Space option with a <br /> minimum of 20% Open Space, (2) 1/2 acre option and (3) planned community <br /> option with Open Space requirements from 20 to 60%. The RCSC recommended that <br /> options 3, 4 and 6 be folded into one option which presented .a broader range <br /> of density bonuses and Open Space Requirements. The minimum lot size would <br /> ' be increased to two acres. They also recommended that certain types of <br /> recreational facilities be limited when counting the Open Space Requirement <br /> and set at 50%. The committee approved the package and sent it to the <br />