Minutes - 19930216
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19930216
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/17/2017 9:31:36 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:13:37 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - Agenda
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-A
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-B
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-C
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-D
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-E
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-F
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-G
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-H
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-I
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - III-J
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
Agenda - 02-16-1993 - IV-A
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - IV-D
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - VII-A
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - VII-B
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - VIII-A
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Agenda - 02-16-1993 - VIII-C
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1993\Agenda - 02-16-1993
Agenda - 02-16-1993 - XII
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P-0500 - Use of County Facilities 02-16-1993
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227 <br /> Planning Board in January. The Planning Board approved the package but <br /> recommended that the minimum lot size be 40, 000 sq.ft. This created <br /> distortion in terms of the sliding scale that the RCSC had developed in tho_ <br /> situations where there are better soils and the maximum density can be <br /> achieved. As an example, page 5 of the abstract under conventional <br /> development, if someone could achieve essentially one unit per acre, the scale <br /> drops down to .8 units and it is not until someone sets aside 50% open space <br /> that they start to achieve any kind of density bonus. In adjusting the scale <br /> to make it work, the units per acre increase to a very large density. Collins <br /> noted that in the agenda there are several options which take some of Arendt's <br /> basic ideas and apply them so that the full range of possibilities can be <br /> seen. One is a restrictive type of approach where no density bonuses are <br /> involved and the minimum lot size is increased to basically two acres so that <br /> the number of units from a conventional plan is what the developer must stay <br /> with. The only option would be to cluster and set aside open space. The <br /> advantage of this particular approach is that it does provide a lot more <br /> opportunities for people to cluster without using alternative systems. The <br /> last two options would award density bonuses on the basis of the quality of <br /> the open space rather than the quantity of open space. The issue of quality <br /> will be addressed in the next phase of the Rural Character study which <br /> involves developing the implementing ordinances and the design guidelines. <br /> The Planning Board has only discussed these options briefly. He suggested <br /> that the strategies adopted by the County Commissioners be turned over to <br /> staff. They will draft the ordinances and guidelines which will go through <br /> another series of meetings with advisory boards and interest groups for <br /> feedback which will be taken into consideration in drafting the final version....... <br /> He noted that for many of these strategies to have open space, it will h <br /> necessary to have alternative systems. The only way to avoid alternative <br /> systems is to create very low densities which will allow people to cluster and <br /> provide lot sizes of one acre. <br /> Clint Burklin, Chair of the RCSC stated that he feels they are <br /> close to a workable package. He noted that it has been a delegant balance <br /> between multiple interest groups. He asked that this be referred back to the <br /> Planning Board. He also invited the County Commissioners to attend this work <br /> session so the committee could receive their feedback. At the conclusion of <br /> this .prncess he suggests that the plan be taken to the Township-- -Advisory <br /> Councils for their input. <br /> Livy Ludington, member of the RCSC, submitted a written document <br /> for the record. She stated that her main concern is the overall increase with <br /> population with any plan developed. She feels that a decision needs to be <br /> made on how much ,the County wants the population to increase. If increased <br /> population happens, the trade off is less quality open space which would make <br /> for an even exchange. She made reference to a bar graft which showed <br /> population increase versus new Open Space. She asked the Board to look at the <br /> overall population growth and the impact on schools, roads, taxes and the <br /> quality of life. <br /> Dolly Hunter, Vice-Chair of the RCSC, made reference to the agenda <br /> abstract and page 53, 54 and 55 which states her position. She stated that <br /> rural Orange County is not the Rural Buffer. Much of the Rural Character <br /> options will raise housing costs and make a large part of rural orange <br /> undevelopable. She feels that abolishing the current one acre lot siz, <br /> without Open Space and raising the minimum lot size to two acres wil <br /> encourage elite suburban sprawl. The rural residents were assured in the <br /> township meetings that the one acre minimum would be retained. She feels it <br />
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