Orange County NC Website
224 <br /> IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED: <br /> 1. The special Board of Equalization and Review of Orange County is <br /> hereby created. <br /> 2. The Orange County special Board of Equalization and Review shall <br /> consist of 3 regular members and 2 alternate members, each to serve <br /> for a term beginning on the date of appointment and ending after <br /> all appeals filed on or prior to June 30, 1993 have been heard and <br /> decisions rendered. <br /> 3. Vacancies occurring and existing on the Orange County special Board <br /> of Equalization and Review shall be filled by the Orange County <br /> Board of Commissioners at their next regular meeting after the <br /> occurrence of the vacancies. <br /> 4. Each member of the special Orange County Board of Equalization and <br /> Review shall be a resident of Orange County and have the statutory <br /> qualifications necessary to hold the public office of County <br /> Commissioner in Orange County. In addition the Board of <br /> Commissioners of Orange County, in selecting members of the special <br /> Board of Equalization and Review, may consider: <br /> a. The length of time a candidate has resided in Orange <br /> County, <br /> b. Whether and to what extent a candidate owns real property <br /> located within Orange County, <br /> C. Whether and to what extent a candidate is familiar with the <br /> value of real property located within Orange County, <br /> d. Whether and to what extent a candidate has had formal <br /> education in real- estate appraising, <br /> e. The geographical composition of the , special Board of <br /> Equalization and Review within Orange County, and <br /> f. Any other matters that the Board deems appropriate. <br /> The Orange County Board of Commissioners shall appoint members to the <br /> special Board of Equalization and Review of Orange County in the same manner <br /> as it uses. for other appointments. <br /> After the members of the special Board of Equalization ,and Review of <br /> Orange county have been appointed, the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> shall designate a chairman of the special board. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> C. A RESOLUTION ON CRITICAL DOMICILIARY CARE ISSUES <br /> Randy Brantley, Chair of the Domiciliary Board, introduced Sharon <br /> Wilder from the TJCOG and Robin Lee, a new Board member. Randy Brantley <br /> stated that there has been a shift in the population of Domiciliary homes <br /> which caused some changes in state laws regulating these homes. He summarized <br /> some of the main points in the resolution. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Willhoit to adopt and authorize the Chair to sign the revised Orange County <br /> Resolution as stated below and submit it to Triangle J Council of Governments <br /> and appropriate state agencies. <br /> A RESOLUTION <br />