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230' <br /> effort because it will provide for many .people some wholesome activities in <br /> the northern end of the County. This pool can be used by the new high school, <br /> _hapel Hill High and orange High. He emphasized that this is .a service which <br /> will promote wholesome living and give citizens a better quality of life. <br /> Commissioner Insko asked about the wording of the resolution. Her <br /> concern is how this project will compete with other CIP projects for the <br /> County. <br /> John Link stated that the CIP will be presented as a report on <br /> March 8 with the public hearing held on March 23 . The Board will be able to <br /> see at that time where this project is in the CIP., For 1993-94, they will <br /> need an additional $100, 000 for a total of $200, 000. <br /> Commissioner Gordon stated that she would like to see how this <br /> competes with the other county projects in the CIP. Also, she would not <br /> support this if it was located north of Hillsborough. She would like to have <br /> input from the two school systems. Commissioner Insko agreed that it must be <br /> accessible to all the children. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis emphasized that the schools can comment on <br /> this but the decision is with the County Commissioners. <br /> VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. MIDWAY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br /> In November, the Midway Development Commission submitted a request <br /> to each of the local governments for funding of an economic revitalization <br /> project for an area between Chapel Hill and Carrboro known as the Midway area. <br /> The proposal asked for $5, 000 from Orange County as part of a $29, 000 budget. <br /> The proposed project represents a multi-faceted, long-term Economic <br /> Revitalization and Development Plan for the Midway Area. This historical area <br /> is located on the corporate boundaries of Chapel Hill and Carrboro and thrived <br /> until the 1970s as the hub of social, cultural and economic activities for the <br /> African-American residents. This project is to revitalize and develop the <br /> area's minority economic growth and to empower the community to reclaim and <br /> to proclaim a significant part of its lost heritage. The Midway Development <br /> Commission (MDC) consists of ten (10) community leaders and businessmen. The <br /> MDC-and the Orange Chatham Community 'Development Corporation will provide the <br /> technical assistance for this project. The funds from Orange County will help <br /> employ a full-time Project Director who will be. responsible for strategic <br /> planning activities, assessing needs, establishing public private partnerships <br /> and planning project initiatives. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve that the Economic Development Commission negotiate a <br /> performance contract for $2,500 to assist with the initial implementation of <br /> this project, with funding to come from Contingency and that the Small <br /> Business and Technology Development Commission assist to complete the project. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> B. ORANGE COUNTY FACILITIES USE POLICY AND PROPOSED FEES <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve the Facility Use Policy and Schedule as presented with <br /> the fee schedule for Efland-Cheeks and Homestead Community Centers effective <br /> immediately and the fees established for all other facilities effective July <br /> 1, 1993 and the Manager is requested to study the recommendation from the <br />