Orange County NC Website
11 <br />• The BOCC may see. and set forth other variations on this same theme <br />2. Does funding in one year carry forward to a commitment to future <br />years? <br />"YES" if the BOCC intent is to stabilize Outside Agencies and make revenue <br />streams fairly consistent and predictable, based on creditable agency <br />performance <br />"NO" if the BOCC intent is a "zero-base" approach wherein Outside Agencies <br />must annually prove themselves according to pre-set criteria, such as the <br />Outside Agency Application Scorecard or other indices <br />The BOCC may see and set forth other variations on this same theme <br />3. Should a limit be considered to the level of funding given to a single <br />Outside Agency in a given year and should there be a particular limit in <br />total dollars to all Outside Agencies in a given year? <br />Dollar Limit by Single Agency - <br />• Percentage of its overall budget <br />• Flat dollar amount <br />• "Challenge" or "Match" amount <br />• "Step down" approach -diminishing amount over a period of fiscal years <br />Dollar Limit to Amount Available for All Outside Aaencv Funding - <br />BOCC sets maximum figure available for the upcoming fiscal year. <br />• Typically, County management has begun with a working figure roughly <br />equivalent to the amount funded in the current fiscal year for the next <br />fiscal year. <br />• Should the BOCC set an amount equivalent to a half-cent or more on the <br />property tax or another quantifier? <br />The BOCC may see and set forth other variations on this same theme. <br />4. Are there any other defining criteria the BOCC wants to assert for <br />future Outside Agency selection and funding? <br />Reserve a certain amount of any overall funding limit for <br />• New Outside Agencies -agencies never funded before <br />• Increased support for stellar performing Outside Agencies <br />. Increased support for Outside Agencies serving the hardest hit or most <br />vulnerable populations in the economic downturn <br />