Minutes - 19921201
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19921201
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143 <br />area with the addition of the open space concept. In answer to another-- <br />question, Mr. Collins indicated that he would recommend that this t <br />designated Open Space Development Area but that assumes that the Tura:.;. <br />character strategies will be adopted as well as the open space Land Use Plan <br />category. If neither of these are approved, he would like to see the project <br />go forward and have the site designated Transition. The County has not yet <br />adopted a Cooperative Land Use Plan with the Town of Hillsborough. If the <br />County wanted to assure that a particular project stayed within its <br />jurisdiction, it could be placed in an Open Space category. If University <br />station is approved and designated as Open Space, it would be incorporated <br />into the Cooperative Planning Zone with Hillsborough. COmmiSS=oner Insko <br />asked if the open Space is part of the Rural Character Study. Mr. Collins <br />stated that the County's-Water and sewer Policy discourages public water and <br />sewer extension outside of Transition areas except for emergency.purposes or <br />to serve a public facility. It says that where developments are carried out <br />with significant amounts of open space that public water and sewer facilities <br />would be allowed. The und rstanding with Hillsborough is that the strategies <br />that control what constitutes a significant amount of open space or <br />constitutes open space development would be the Rural Character Strategies. <br />if a developer carries out a project in accord with the Rural Character <br />Strategies and preserves open space, then he would be allowed to have public <br />water and sewer. This falls under option #6 in the Rural Character <br />Strategies. <br />Commissioner Willhoit made reference to the open space Development <br />Area category and stated that this was an outgrowth of comments made by County <br />Commissioners regarding the Transition area because of the implications o` <br />annexation. This was not considered previously as part of the Comprehensiv, <br />Plan. He questioned why the County would oppose annexation and if this issue <br />was identified as a concern of the neighborhood in the University Station <br />area. <br />CommIssioner Insko asked if comments are appropriate on the <br />particulars of the University Station project. Mr. Collins indicated that the <br />only way the Board can assess the impacts of the development is to get into <br />a fairly specific plan. In answer to a question about light rail, Mr. Collins <br />stated that in the revised plan, there is a site a transit site. <br />These areas are not intended to support the rail system but to supplement it, <br />Commissioner Insko stated she has a problem in supporting light rail <br />as a concept and have the philosophy that drives the development decisions to <br />increase density in order to be able to support light rail. Mr. Collins <br />clarified that if the Board adopts the Land Use Plan Category of Open Space <br />on January 8, 1993, they could then, if they approve this Land Use Plan <br />Amendment, place University station into that category. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about option #6 which is allowed only in <br />the Hillsborough Open Space Area. The other Rural Character Strategies are <br />allowed anywhere in the County. She asked if the Board needs to act on all <br />the Rural Character Strategies or just #6. Mr. Collins noted that Rural <br />Character Strategies and Open Space Strategies are the same. Actually all the <br />strategies would be available in the Cooperative Planning Area. <br />Chair Carey asked for suggestions on a date to continue this public <br />hearing and it was decided that this public hearing would be continued or. <br />December 14, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. in Superior Courtroom in Hillsborough, Nort: <br />Carolina. <br />COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE
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