Minutes - 19921020
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19921020
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097 <br />applied for additional frequencies from the Federal Communication Commission. <br />They are not sure how long it will take to receive a response to this <br />.request. <br />Commissioner Willhoit requested that Nick Waters investigate if <br />other towers, namely the Centel Tower, can be used for both their equipment <br />and the County's equipment. <br />C. REPORT - SIMPLIFIED SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br />Planner Mary Willis presented for comments a document which <br />simplifies the Subdivision Regulations. Improved services and communications <br />were identified in FY 1989-90 by the Board of Commissioners as strategic <br />issues, including the simplification of planning-related ordinances to be <br />more easily understood by the general public. Mary Willis indicated she put <br />the ordinance together in the order that most citizens need to know the <br />information. <br />D. SOLID WASTE UPDATE <br />Commissioner Willhoit made reference to the work plan that the <br />L.O.G. and the Landfill staff developed. It has been put on hold until such <br />time that the goals on solid waste are adopted.. He is concerned that this <br />process has been put on hold. He suggested using a mediation/ negotiation <br />process in resolving these intergovernmental problems. He would like to use <br />this process as a method to get the three boards to identify the problems so <br />that the L.O.G. staff can proceed with developing a work plan. The focus is <br />to work through the goals the three boards want to achieve. <br />C--mmissioner Gordon stated she feels that the County Commissioners <br />need to discuss this work plan before meeting in a large group setting. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed with this stat ient. <br />Commissioner Willhoit emphasized that the main objective would be <br />.to reach consensus between Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County on solid <br />waste goals. This may take one or two meetings. These goals would be used <br />by the staff to do a workplan to bring back to the governing boards. He will <br />include Hillsborough in this process. <br />Discussion ensued.and it was decided that the public negotiation <br />process would be used in an effort to reach consensus on the solid waste <br />goals. A decision will be made at the end of the first meeting as to whether <br />or not they need to have another meeting. They set a goal of having enough <br />representation from each board to make it meaningful. <br />X. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT - NONE <br />XI. APPOINTMENTS - NONE <br />XII. MINUTES <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to approve the September 22, 1992 regular meeting minutes as <br />submitted. <br />'VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />XIV. ADJOURNMENT
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