Orange County NC Website
HILL <br /> HERALD CI"1APt_l HILL,N <br /> Q <br /> ��� ART H CAROLINA <br /> aL <br /> F'°m�raff� aP FRID H! 80g sports S,e AY,JULY g <br /> CouN.� .. ks ,20t <br /> my Board The Or c C <br /> ers is. cu °f Commis range <br /> an Crang Cntly Iookiilgsion_ care <br /> serve ounty. for d.. at, �� <br /> °n the farmer .; Road S00 <br /> and A �edmo tO � local silo alley For O /1 •g1icultur nt food °` r cal �'far ge bee Mitt Cente Steer' aocess � the piedod entrePrendrs and. liven awarded <br /> The Project COmmitte g eolnpetemont region ors .� agencie $1'127,3 fr <br /> coon lest is e. y H local in the einer to better Gol Tobaccos, Inclfrd >Y,�ern' <br /> tY"effort a_ multi- ear $e gin de Tr u$t urge; 1e. Pr°ce$sin . <br /> Inance, Involving t fork a asonal g buy n .Leaf Fund _ g e ' <br /> Chat s COno far A Fo ,xt `e .. conlmerci 4uipment. <br /> and Cr barn, a- �mm' ed my, Tlig m-to_ gricul r undatlo "kitc m a. <br /> as ange Counties Its � . Proce v F al•D n, N :. iriclu hey <br /> or sbo sling ce alue�add_ mland eveIopme C. desbusi Planni <br /> Weaver ganizer � rough is ni�er � Fund Pr'esery ht,i educati ness ng <br /> Stye nties, as Well of publi s as an' drive with' FIi1I_ U.S atIO develo <br /> Whole Foods et I�a1'ket and u1 P c Prrvat$coil exam county 15'3 fa a 1'S Develo n$ousin, nU b t base °n,.egpecia Pment <br /> and Is hailed b Thy 1edmonr aborat collaboration ' cO ty area 7B. ms ir1 hour veto Ame Ec & c d business especially for food- . <br /> Y shared-u$eegion, n ac alI farms 2n North One d Rur A Adv Initi ° o nic.De- ling center ould he pro, <br /> thir al,. ative c $h <br /> f l7 facility lo_ tis ordln9 t° 20 rth Carolina tion-Inter ancemeut Fo d the YearY sustalnabie be ilnan- <br /> tics, 07 USDA star bacco.Coilnational .IrS" ands Of operation m its this'd <br /> EFS <br /> Unity.It is RPCenlY t The muniries A , To- . collecti thro <br /> F � dep1. a Inunicl he Center open center is s Initiative. fee$' ...°n of user an ' ugh the <br /> M.PAC„ 2b trnenr PaI duIe <br /> and ray tr E 3 'n+of C a:. thn1, the has. Pro In march 201, . effort fr°In the dprogram . <br /> 'J vide a. wider 1 and will that Of the no fundraising <br /> menu' an$ as e$tab pel T jl.a rf' ange. n Of food hat will he nI'rolit en <br /> at.. Prods I?�'be nd � '. t <br /> meerm . a colninu hl,�tanUar a Iu X97 <br /> Re g °n IIIty tens bees Y 2UO2, the-s 4 a k4 ba ` d the Center formed to In tl�'gra asit. Ie fr Y ] ? anage . <br /> ha m on Wedne ` pro ee; 1, <br /> ve °pAor sdaY, Well arM,ICha. hapej,, ,.. r. } U .' <br /> Aar tun s;, �l�t• ald Ed Her_.. t th <br /> tici Iris ��rr►► <br /> sessions in u to ClOSur 1001— :.Exor D „P�jxn, ] gad <br /> aions. Acolnin @ tyro .. W. rec reason to. l er <br /> In .S gI�VeS to an inre exltly P be u�? <br /> and F'ebruar eAtelnber cHAP�"Hier colanln result Q s eAtic whey t t <br /> These, Y. of Car " A`Aor le about oer -: �` 4 a :rif haY are <br /> Part a meetin St. mlchaelOn gal Pro rain; t °rig safe . Its takin <br /> of gs are" Thomas .Street cab ducts sold , ' Tea ty. d Potential, g• <br /> prescrib rile :feller tic Churc Moore Catho t presgj nlarketca a 1oA t111 g ,,. angerous.» ally Suite regwatio <br /> ell. Alter ally ; clo h. will Iy.ta r� x , Europe,for Manuf W.., n. <br /> 9uieleYsis, .. ??atives.. 30 sed " :thrtiu relnairi "MOtt.'ppPula�t high» 1 example derstandacturers un- social vno redeemin . <br /> follo <br /> duresmoft$ and pgoce: Pro�nle k:r°adway iuly: then$and tolls Inong, li d.that. has a shor IifeProduct such products quality <br /> Transit. Ad e.'Feder '� detour In- Iar a Prod glens,:' { actin Dedelo span. Public th1'eaten <br /> acre iii Aed to he <br /> to su minis al:' Provided. route gely unre are �l ed1ents ahead of a stay fare The I and Wel_ <br /> fit Pport the I'at'On , vided, wall be. witil no gulatd RQ gedly ernme �'ected nee last t <br /> of ore federal.ease for FOr more upon use g�limitation 11 n nt$ined rapid in tal regulation v- act d are yet nlohre9 we <br /> ne n 0r. capital funding;. the tact.Ernie formation,. Markcre BO Ie Products Practic and Out mar ' for teens to prod- <br /> nts. The : invest- Tbw.. Rogers clif€er d u'irh like S es are ket high, get <br />,nalYsis: Alt 'Invest. �`af8c n of Ch ape] at ent. mss not Pice 7b be thn part <br /> g trans Ys :exists sion•at en $ mdixt ,tlleyar Presents ,some vntic pa ell' �actured wit those . <br /> i u1've ills:, ures and as re n are rush i <br /> Ports (919)969_ g divi: vertised a Packagin don even endors regard t0-Potential <br /> out <br /> ttOns,::ident• tlorl :con-. 5085 . ' 'enabl as pro stud g labels. urge heal ntial <br />'d de <br /> es <br /> �.r Ind user ducts Y reports Cne customer Prospective fines needs ans� :high, w s to of s a s to Evenc consequences <br /> to for ey goals and lib_ t drry �Qntr hue avoi get health has thePackage chases befog make Pur sibs ally,yes <br />`alterin . aluating pro. CQ fl• ers laws::°IIed subst g o f C1 th effects as same ment action e govern_ «E eadults mustPon- <br />_�_ _ atlPes. J g �z 'd ra Talcing adv a garettes, a Pack dawn. $huts the nough is enough say, <br /> rr�CH'41' HILL re po selOw'" egultor its refereilc <br /> One Inarke m tors state 1e .'� <br /> 'n»n.,�;, Cha m y Pairin a to AanY bol tang co _ $_ ur gisla- <br /> Ael ersowre anufactun, seller$'"getg effect "Spice. dly asserts add iv, �e them to <br /> A 1.5kh]r�'.:.gelation is: ketingpitch high Inar- craze ais the latest ' that list V f Carolina to <br /> generall defe14ders high t mOng legal count states and <br /> l'claim ghat it People that lie$got m unhealtes banning such <br /> ,M-q,]r„ h0pked." .any uselessbYan h <br /> r,,, ,. �'liis Prod d socially . <br /> onaldt ROL,& <br /> Products. <br />