Orange County NC Website Page 2 of 2 <br /> 17 <br /> business development education, 2. Defense: Who is the victim? <br /> especially for food-based i <br /> businesses. 3• Wild horses <br /> 4. Frequently Asked Questions <br /> The processing center should be i S. literacy tops schools'list <br /> financially sustainable in its third <br /> year of operation through the Low Income Car Insurance <br /> collection of user and program I Get Discounted Car Insurance for Low.Income <br /> fees and from the fundraising Drivers - From $15/ Month. <br /> effort of the nonprofit entity that i <br /> will be formed to manage the <br /> center, according to.county <br /> officials. 1 Refinance Now at 3.75% Fixed <br /> $160,000 Mortgage for$547/mo. Free. No <br /> obligation. Get 4 quotes. <br /> Apply online at <br /> Make Less Than $45 000/Year? <br /> You May Qualify for a Grant to Go Back to School. <br /> t <br /> Ads by Yahoo! <br /> or contact Donna Baker, clerk to the county <br /> board of commissioners, at 919-245-2130. <br /> All rights reserved.This copyrighted material may not be published, broadcast or redistributed in any <br /> manner. <br /> ®Copyright 2010,The News&Observer Publishing Company <br /> A subsidiary of The McClatchy Company JIFF. <br /> lhttn•//www chane1hi11news_com/201 0/07/14/v-nrint/59236/county-needs-farmer-for-process... 8/2/2010 <br />