Minutes - 19920922
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19920922
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8/14/2008 4:04:15 PM
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8/13/2008 1:12:18 PM
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79 <br />In response to a question from Commissioner Halk-iotis, Mr. Collins <br />indicated that the County will receive one original copy of the report. <br />This will be a summary of what the consultants have discovered. Each site <br />1 be listed in historical context. The consultants will also deliver <br />..n survey form and all photographs to the Planning Department. Copies of <br />L:ie Original will be given to members of the Historic. Preservation <br />Commission and the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Mr. Collins also indicated that a special meeting for all those whose <br />property might be affected will be held on October 8th. All members of the <br />Rural Character Study Group and the Board of County Commissioners will also <br />be invited to attend. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis, that Todd Peck and Jody Carter be employed as the consultants to <br />conduct the Phase II Historic Inventory. The consultants will be <br />reimbursed for their services in an amount not to exceed $32,000. The <br />amount includes $27,500 for salaries; $2,000 for film and development, and <br />$2,500 for travel/mileage expenses. Funding is to be provided by a $17,000 <br />State grant and $15,000 match from the County. The Chair is authorized to <br />execute a contract, contingent upon staff and attorney review, that, <br />incorporates the terms of the approved.proposal. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I. ANIMAL CONTROL SHELTER OPERATION STUDY COMMITTEE <br />This item was presented by Moses Carey, Jr., for the purpose of <br />discussing the formation of a group to study the structure, organization <br />a". operation of the County Animal. Control program and Animal Shelter <br />,ation. This committee will present a report to the County <br />::imissioners by March 1, 1992 which will include recommendations for <br />improvements. Specific issues to be studied include: <br />1. Is there evidence that our current animal control program is working <br />to achieve its objectives? If not, why? <br />2. Is the current form of contract management and operation of the Animal <br />Shelter the most cost efficient and effective for Orange County? If <br />not, why? If so, should the APS continue to be the contractor? <br />3. Should the county consider operating and managing the animal shelter <br />with county staff? <br />4. Should the shelter operations continue to be related to the Health <br />Department? If not, why? <br />5. Should the Animal Control Program continue to be organizationally <br />managed by the Health Department or should this program be transferred <br />to the Sheriff's Department or the County Manager's Office? <br />5. What policy or procedural changes are necessary to improve efficiency, <br />effectiveness and enhance service to the public in the animal control <br />program and shelter operations? <br />The Committee composition: <br />1 member of the Board of Health <br />1 member of the APS Board <br />1 member of the Board of Commissioner's <br />1 member of the Sheriff's Department <br />5 members of the public <br />Staff Support - County Manager's Office <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br />Insko, to approve the purpose, issues to be studied and the composition of <br />this study group with the addition of a representative from the Towns of <br />Chapel Hill and Hillsborough.
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