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<br />U S.. Degartmettt of Justice <br />Office of Community Oriented Policing Services <br />Crane 6d~nhrfsrration Division Waslingtort. D G 10530 <br />Budget Detail Worksheet <br />- P, leasereturn all6pages <br />A. EQUIPMENT <br />I ist non-expendable ~'iems that are to be purchased.. Non expendable equipmrnt is tangible property <br />having a useful life of'more than two years Expendable items should be included either in the <br />"SUPPLIES" or "OTHER" categories . Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing <br />versus leasing equipment, especially for high-cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances.. <br />Rented or ]eased equipment costs should be fisted in the "t:.ONTRAC7'S/CONSULTANTS" <br />category Pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 P 1108-447, be advised that, to the <br />greatest extent practicable, all equipment and products purchased with these funds must be American- <br />made. For agencies purchasing items related to enhanced communications systems, the COPS Office <br />expects and encourages that, wherever feasible, such voice or data communications equipment should <br />be incorporated into an intra•• or interjurisdictional strategy for communications interoperability <br />among federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. <br />--Please include a detailed description for all items listed below in the Budget Narrative <br /># of Units: Item: Cost /Unit; Subtotal: <br />16 Astro Spectra W7 25-35 Watts 800 mhz _ _~~~~_ $1~3~ <br />__.~_ _•__•_~ - __.. .-.__~_____.._~~ J <br />~ Antenna and Installation $4,000,00 $4,000..00 <br />Equipment Total: S ta~ss~ 00 <br />I <br />