Orange County NC Website
1 Center which is the central hub of emergency communication services in the <br />county. the county will not be able to completely switch over to the new system <br />until the 9-1-1 Center is upgraded, as no dispatching will be able to be <br />accomplished on the 800 MHz system.. <br />B.. Project Goals and Objectives <br />The goal of'the project is to provide upgrades to the 9-1-1 Center to allow <br />dispatching and communication with units in the field., Procuring 800 MHz base <br />stations and installing antennas on radio tower outside of'the 9-1-1 Center can <br />accomplish this goal in a cost efficient manner. <br />Goal 1: To provide the 9-1-1 Center with the ability to interact on a new system <br />that allows departments and agencies to communicate with one another <br />Objective 1: Bngage the 9-1-1 Center into the new radio system that <br />allows interoperable radio communication between <br />departments and agencies by utilizing 800 MHz talk groups <br />Objective 2: Allow the 9-1-1 Center access to the radio system that <br />reduces the amount of time the radio user must wait to gain <br />access to the radio frequency by utilizing radio trunking <br />technology <br />Goal 2: To reduce the risk to the life and health of'the law enforcement officer <br />Objective 1: Interlink the 9-1-1 Center into the radio system that provides <br />for the immediate communication with a telecommunicator <br />in the event of an emergency <br />Objective 2: Allow the 9-1-1 Center with the capability of'contacting a <br />wide variety of law enforcement resources through the use of <br />the new radio technology and allowing the Center to place <br />those mutual aid r~esour~ces in direct contact with the <br />endangered officer. <br />C.. Implementation Plans (Timeline <br />Month 1- Secure necessary grant award acceptance and secure paperwork <br />compliance <br />Month 2- Finalize scope of work for project <br />Month 3- Begin pr•ocur•ement process fox' technology equipment <br />