Orange County NC Website
SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION <br />Orange County Emergency Management <br />2005 COPS Technology Grant Program <br />I.. Project Summary Section <br />A.. Assessment of Existing Problems <br />Orange County Emergency Management directs and controls the 9-1-1 Center <br />which provides emergency call taking, dispatch services, and criminal records <br />lookup services for• the foar• municipal and county law enforcement agencies in <br />the county. The current system operates on VHF and UHF frequencies that <br />precludes agencies in the county to talk directly with one another and will not <br />allow communication with state law enforcement agencies, such as the Highway <br />Patrol. Further, other .emergency services departments such as fire departments, <br />rescue squads, emergency medical services, and emergency management aze on <br />disparate radio systems as well.. <br />The current radio systems are also conventional systems, and are not franked, <br />which leads to channel crowding and reduces access to telecommunicators in the <br />9-1-1 Center. This can result in serious threats to the health and safety of'law <br />enforcement officers if they aze not able to radio for help in the event the radio <br />channel is busy.. A franked radio system, like the one our• agency plans to upgrade <br />to, will provide for an emergency button that the ofPicer~ can activate to gain <br />immediate access to the radio to call for' help. <br />There aze currently no provisions in place to allow law enforcement agencies <br />However, such new technology is expensive and it outside of•the capabilities of <br />our• county budget to upgrade in a timely manner.. Our' current budget is based on <br />continuation/maintenance of'our conventional system and does not include the <br />costs to upgrade to the 800 MHz system without some federal assistance. <br />The state has implemented an statewide 800 MHz radio project upgrade that local <br />governments can join, called the Voice Inter~operability Pian for' Emergency <br />Responders (VIPER}.. The VIPER prnj ect entails the establishment of 800 MHz <br />infr~astruchu•e (towers and repeaters) throughout North Carolina.. Local <br />governments may purchase portable and mobile units to utilize on fhe system, and <br />9-1-1 centers may purchase 800 MHz consoles to dispatch on the system.. A <br />substantial amount of'homeland security grant funding has been directed by the <br />state to the infr~astructur~e upgrades. <br />Orange County has duetted a large portion of its homeland security grant funding <br />towaz~ds pux•chasing the portable and mobile units in anticipation of being able to <br />access the 800 MHz system. However, no funding is available to upgrade the 9-1- <br />