Orange County NC Website
E. CONTRACTSICONSULTAN'TS _ <br />Contracts: Provide a description of the product or service to be pxocrued by contract apd an <br />estimate of the cost.. Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open cornpetitiosz in <br />awarding contracts.. <br />Please iaclnde a detailed description for' all contracts listed below in tBe Budget Narrative! <br />Contract Description: Contract Bid Type: Cost: <br />NIA ~_._._...__. - __.. - .-- . - <br />5 <br />Subtotal: $ 0.00 <br />onsultant Fees: For each consultant enter the name (if knownj, service to be provided, <br />hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project Consultant fees in excess <br />of $450/day require additional written justification in the Budget Narrative and must be pre- <br />approved~in writing by the CDP,S Otlice <br />Consultant NamelTitle: Service Provide: # of Days: Gost /Day: Subtotal: <br />NIA <br />Subtotal: ~ 0.00. <br />{'onsultant Expenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants-' <br />which are in addition to their fees (e g., travel, meals, lodging.. <br />e of Ez e: - <br />T3'P_ _^ ~ P~ , ^ _ Descnphon^- -- . Cosf / Da . <br />..............._..-..._. _.. _.......... Y <br />N/A <br />Subtotal: $ 0..00 <br />Corrtracts/Comsnitants Total: S 0.00 <br />4 <br />