Minutes - 19920526
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19920526
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8/14/2008 4:07:35 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:11:18 PM
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831 <br />Commissioner Willhoit indicated that the..,County has previously tried to tax <br />the University facilities and the Court system declared it unlawful. <br />Commissioners Insko and Gordon both indicated that there is a need <br />to research innovative ways to increase revenue. It was also suggested that <br />the number of new homes which are being sold to buyers who are already orange <br />County residents be reflected in the statistics. <br />Planning Board Chair Carol Cantrell indicated that she has lived <br />here since 1976 and is actively involved in the schools as a teacher. For <br />as long as she can remember the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System has <br />exceeded their student projections. She feels the County needs to plan for <br />this growth. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that the school needs have been <br />documented and already exist. Mr. Radway's information needs to be reviewed. <br />She noted that documentation at -the end of the technical report on impact <br />fees shows that what. residents pay on taxes is less than the value of the <br />county services they receive. <br />Several comments 'were made which suggested the Planning Board <br />consider capping the fee, as well as, give very serious consideration to <br />whether or not this is an appropriate fee. <br />A motion was made by commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon, to refer this item to the Planning Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENTS <br />a. 2-2-92 P AND S SPORTING GOODS, INC. -ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT <br />This item was presented by Planner Emily Cameron. The property <br />in question is located on the south side of NC highway 54 between Morrow Mill <br />Road (SR 1958) and Orange Grove Road (SR 1006). The total area proposed for <br />rezoning contains 3.98 acres and is described as part of Lot 28 Tax Map 26 <br />in Bingham Township. The current zoning is Agricultural Residential. The <br />proposed zoning districts are Local Commercial--1 for 2.06 acres and <br />Neighborhood Commercial-2 for 1.92 acres. In the adopted Land Use Element <br />of -the- Comprehensive Plan, the property is designated Agricultural- <br />Residential and Rural Neighborhood Activity Node. The proposed rezoning will <br />maximize the five-acre allotments of NC-2 and LC-1 zoning at this activity <br />node. Each of the proposed zoning lots will have direct access to NC Highway <br />54, an arterial. Each lot also has suitable area for ground absorption <br />sewage treatment as proposed by Orange County Environmental Health. Adjacent <br />property to the south and west is undeveloped and zoned Agricultural <br />Residential. To the east is PHE, Inc., a mail order facility zoned General <br />Commercial-4. Across NC Highway 54 to the north is undeveloped land zoned <br />AR and LC-1. The Planning Staff has made positive findings. on the <br />application for rezoning to LC-1 and NC-2 as required by Article 20 and <br />Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The list of permitted uses in the <br />proposed districts is included in the attachments. The applicant has no <br />plans for developing the property in question. <br />THERE WERE NO QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR <br />PLANNING BOARD.
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