Orange County NC Website
3. All Orange Enterprises staff are paid at or above the living wage as determined by <br />the County. All other employees are paid at commensurate wages (wages based on ability as <br />compared to workers without disabilities); <br />4. Orange Enterprises will begin an "affirmative enterprise" wherein persons with <br />disabilities are employed at the same wages and have a benefit package that is the same as those <br />who don't have disabilities; <br />5. Orange Enterprises will purchase the property known as Building Lot # 2 located <br />at 348 Elizabeth Brady Road, Hillsborough, Orange County, North Carolina for the sum of <br />$950,000 and will invest approximately $300,000 for upfit and improvements to the building so <br />that it can be used as Orange Enterprises' operation center and place of business; <br />6. Orange Enterprises presently contracts with National Industries for the Severely <br />Handicapped (NISH), anon-profit organization specializing in federal contract bids, for jobs and <br />anticipates contracting with the division of National Industries for the Severely Handicapped that <br />develops products (for example, picture frames, air gauges for plane tires, first aid kits, belts for <br />military uniforms, protective suits for use in war areas against chemical warfare and other <br />products) that can be manufactured in the new Orange Enterprises facility resulting in the <br />employment of County residents; and <br />WHEREAS, the County, by resolution on this day, makes the determination that <br />contributions that it will make as provided in this Agreement will aid and encourage the location <br />of manufacturing enterprises and business prospects for residents of the County and particularly <br />for disabled residents of the County the totality of which will have the effect of providing <br />employment and improved quality of life for those served by Orange Enterprises and reducing <br />5 <br />