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802 <br />for general waste by $1 to $22 per ton. Revenues from the tipping fee <br />increase are intended to fund enhancements to the countywide recyclinc- <br />program in 1992-93. <br />Chair Carey stated he has reconsidered his decision to vote <br />against this matter because of the immediate economic impact. He still feels <br />that in the long term it will not be beneficial to dispose of the ash at the <br />landfill. <br />Commissioner Willhoit emphasized that the ash will not be accepted <br />for burial if there is another use for this material. Also this commitment <br />is only for the life of the borrowed areas and ash will not be accepted for <br />the borrowed pits in the new landfill. This is clearly a short-term <br />situation and gives a stronger message that the County does not want the ash <br />as a long--term mainstream. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels that other items can be put in the <br />borrowed areas and that this area is valuable. She feels that decreasing the <br />tipping fee will-`set a precedent. She supports the present fee that is in <br />place. <br />Mr. Cecil Griffin, citizen, stated his opposition to using the <br />borrowed areas for ash disposal. He feels these areas can be used to <br />lengthen the life of the landfill. He questioned lowering the fee to $13.00 <br />instead of $17.00 since $17.00 is the amount UNC would be charged at the <br />Fayetteville site. <br />Mark Marcoplos, citizen, feels the landfill issue is not <br />understood by the Board stating that the administration at the Chapel Hill <br />public works Department is leading the process. <br />Motion was made by Chair Carey, seconded by Commissioner Insko tr <br />reconsider the action taken on this issue at the meeting held April 6, 1992.. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NOES, 2 (Commissioners Gordon and Halkiotis) <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit to approve accepting UNC ash at the landfill for $13.00 per ton in <br />1992-93 and raise the tipping fee for general waste by $1.00 to $22.00 per <br />ton with the understanding that this ash will only be accepted for the life <br />of the borrowed areas in the present landfill and that there has never been <br />a plan to accept ash for the borrowed pits at the new landfill. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NOES, 2 (Commissioners Gordon and Halkiotis) <br />III. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. COMMUNITY HEALTH ADVOCACY PROGRAM CHAP KELLOGG GRANT APPLICATION <br />The Health Department and the Cooperative Extension Service <br />jointly proposed CHAP to the Board of Commissioners for the annual goal- <br />setting retreat. The Commissioners authorized the Manager to consider the <br />CHAP program during the budgeting process for FY 92-93. The program is <br />designed to recruit, train, and support community health advocates who serve <br />as volunteers and to help communities identify and solve their own health <br />problems. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon,-seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit to authorize the Health Director to seek funding for the CHAP <br />Program contingent on the following: <br />1. That the Health Department will evaluate the effectiveness c <br />this program by the end of the grant period. <br />2. Determine the need for continuation of the CHAP program.