Orange County NC Website
800 <br />institutional, office and research use with no adverse impacts beyond the <br />space occupied by the use." The Work Group will focus its remaining work or--- <br />the "Plan of Action". <br />B. REPORT ON ENO DRIVE - DIIRK M NORTHWEST AND NORTHEAST LOOP CORRIDOR . <br />STIIDY <br />Planner Gene Bell stated that at the March 24th County <br />commissioners meeting, the planning staff gave a report on the status of the <br />Durham Northwest and Northeast Loop Corridor study (Eno Drive). The Board <br />asked that NCDOT be invited to an upcoming meeting to answer various <br />questions. Cindy Sharer, P.E., DOT Project Coordinator and Roy Bruce, <br />representatives of H. W. Lochner, Inc. were present to give a presentation <br />and to respond to questions and comments. <br />Roy Bruce briefly described where they are in this study. They <br />are currently working on the second phase of a six phase project. This loop <br />has been in the planning stage for over 25 years. The corridor begins in <br />Orange County approximately 1000 feet west of the orange/Durham County line. <br />A citizens informational workshop will be held on March 31. DOT <br />will take into consideration all verbal and written comments received. The <br />entire process will take them through 1993. <br />The Board agreed that they are opposed to the western corridor <br />because of environmental issues and because of the Eno River State Park. Mr. <br />Bruce indicated that an Environmental Impact Statement would not be done as <br />part of the process. When they get to the final corridors they will then do <br />a detailed study on the final corridors only. <br />Commissioners Halkiotis and Gordon stated their opposition to thr',' <br />west corridor. He would prefer to keep it just to the edge of the line. <br />C. WIDENING NC 86 AIRPORT ROAD FROM HOMESTEAD ROAD TO I-40 <br />Gene Bell asked for Board comments on the widening of NC 86 <br />(Airport Road) from Homestead Road to I-40. NCDOT is requesting information <br />which will help identify potential environmental impacts. Erosion Control <br />supervisor Warren Faircloth asked that DoT recognize the potential for <br />sediment damage during construction to both the stream and Lake Ellen and <br />design the erosion control plan before the right-of-way and construction <br />easements are obtained. The Board agreed that something needs to-be done on <br />this stretch of NC 84. They support the four-foot bike path as part of the <br />project. <br />D. MUNICIPAL RECREATION AND LIBRARY SUPPORT <br />John Link presented a report on the County's financial support for <br />municipal recreation and library programs. Each year the County has <br />appropriated certain funds for the recreation programs of Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro and Mebane and to the Chapel Hill and Mebane libraries. The Manager <br />said he was recommending the same level of funding this year as was provided <br />last year for these municipal programs. The Board agreed that it is an <br />equity issue that needs to be addressed in this next fiscal year. The Board <br />recognized that the municipalities may want to develop a different fee <br />structure for county residents who use their services. <br />E. SCHOOL IMPACT FEE IMPLEMENTATION <br />Marvin Collins presented a report on the implementation of schoo._. <br />impact fees that will become effective July 1, 1992. He summarized the