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799 <br />continue to be a benefit and bridge the County. She asked that the Board <br />make the same opportunities available to all the citizens. <br />The Board discussed the swimming pool as presented in the CIP. They <br />asked for the following information which will be provided prior to the next <br />regular meeting: <br />1. What are the projected user fees which would be used to offset the <br />operating costs? <br />2. What are the operating costs including personnel costs? <br />3. How many people will the pool serve? <br />4. How overcrowded are the pools in Chapel Hill? <br />5. Would the project go forward without the pool? <br />6. Would the Chapel Hill High School swim team use this facility? <br />7. Are there any middle school swim teams? <br />8. What would be the maintenance and operating costs if the county <br />took over the entire facility? <br />9. What would happen if the County only wanted to take over the <br />swimming pool facility? <br />Jim Cutter, resident of Orange County for 25 years, raised four <br />children in the County schools. The swim team he is affiliated with has 70 <br />members. They use the YMCA and the Community Center pool. They had to turn <br />children away because of lack of facilities. He emphasized that this is not <br />a Chapel Hill-Hillsborough situation. It is an Orange County problem. He <br />asked that everyone work together because the kids need this pool. There are <br />other considerations besides the schools. He asked that they seriously <br />consider this for the CIP. <br />Chair Carey stated that the Board believes this to be an Orange County <br />issue. They have the responsibility of considering this with all the other <br />projects that need to be addressed in the next few years. Additional <br />information will help them to make an informed decision on whether or not to <br />include this in the CIP. <br />The. Public Hearing was continued to May 4 to receive additional <br />citizen comments.and for further discussion by the County Commissioners. <br />VII. REPORTS <br />A. PLANNING BOARD EDC WORK GROUP <br />Ted Abernathy presented a report on initiatives by the Economic <br />Development Commission and Planning Board which will achieve an economic <br />development goal established by the Board of Commissioners. The Board asked <br />that specific parcels be identified for prezoning in a manner consistent with <br />the Orange County Land Use Plan. During the past year, the activities of the <br />Work Group have focused on three distinct areas. These include <br />implementation of a cooperative planning process, target area analysis, and <br />performance standards identification. Accomplishments in each of these areas <br />are listed in the report. All of the work completed by the Work Group has <br />led to the formation of a more definitive goal to develop an "economic <br />development district" proposal with clear, acceptable performance standards <br />and streamlined approval procedures. The zoning district designation <br />currently exists in the Zoning Ordinance, and the purpose of the district is <br />"to provide locations for a wide range of low intensity industrial,