Orange County NC Website
795 <br />used by people of all ages. Orange High can have a swim team. The teens in <br />this County will have a safe place to go. It will help with the overcrowdec1---,, <br />facilities in the Chapel Hill area. The pool would be beneficial to loca:. <br />businesses and future economic development. This kind of financial`- <br />arrangement offers a way to get a pool that is desperately needed. <br />Jonathan Atwater, student at orange High School, stated that this year <br />Orange High had a swim team for the first time. Some people could not <br />participate because they could not get -transportation to Chapel Hill. He <br />feels Orange High could have a good team if they had access to a pool. They <br />cannot always depend on the facilities that are available in Chapel Hill. <br />Cheryl Atwater spoke in support of a swimming pool. She has concerns <br />about the select population that will be served by this pool. Certain things <br />are assumed when in fact many citizens could not participate in many sports <br />which this pool would offer. This pool would help people with disabilities <br />and those receiving rehabilitation. It would provide therapy for those who <br />are disabled and also provide a place for the youth. She strongly supports <br />whatever it will take to get this facility. <br />Jim Gray spoke in support of the pool. He emphasized that there are <br />children in this community who need a facility which is not available to <br />them. The county is growing. It is getting larger and larger. This is an <br />opportunity where private enterprise has come forward and asked government <br />to pool their assets. This is an opportunity for the County to work together <br />with the private sector for all the citizens and especially for the children. <br />Documentation has been presented on the cost and the payback. The proposeca--, <br />pool would be better and safer than swimming in a quarry. <br />Cranfurd Goodwin stated his support for the purchase of the Alexander <br />House. He appreciates this being included in the CIP. <br />Mark Shultz noted that there are a lot of people in the northern end <br />of the County who support this pool. He would pay whatever it cost to swim <br />in this pool. A pool will allow for more swimming lessons and less chance <br />for drowning. <br />Lori Ventura stated she is really excited about the swimming pool. <br />She is a homeowner in orange County. She described what it was like growing <br />up with a swimming pool and park in the neighborhood. She supports the pool. <br />She feels that a swimming facility will prevent people from hanging out in <br />the parking lots. <br />Linda Haac thanked the Board of County Commissioners for their support <br />for education as indicated by the CIP and support for the bond. She asked <br />them to think about maintenance and renovation and a new elementary school <br />and to continue to make education a priority in hard economic times. <br />Robin Zill stated her strong support for the swimming pool. She is <br />glad that the Board is taking the leadership in providing for some of the <br />gaps in services. She believes education and health and well-being are all <br />important and represents a total approach to staying healthy. This woul <br />help keep people physically fit. Even though this is a large _expenditure,_ <br />it is something that the community will support and. something that will