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79 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />proclaim April 20 - 26, 1992 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK and call upon all <br />citizens of our County to support the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT <br />PROGRAM. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VI. PUBLIC HEARING AND A DECISION <br />A. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />Moses Carey announced that letters in support of the pool have <br />been received from Mary Ford, Candace Bond, Hunt McKinnon, Dr. Karen P. <br />McKinnon, Robert J. Perry, Robert H. Holland, Suzette Nichols, Myra Crawford, <br />Diana Wilcox, Sandy Allen, Betty Mathews, Vickie Marsh, Gina Royall, Peter <br />H. Wood, Lil Fenn, and Mary Whitted. A letter from Robert Foley asked that <br />the County Commissioners first determine in which part of the County the pool <br />will be located, understand the usage pattern projected for the pool, compare <br />the financial merits of lease versus purchase with approved bonds and then <br />determine which other projects must be delayed or dropped to accommodate the <br />pool before voting to include it in the CIP. <br />John Link stated that the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for the <br />5 year period totals $61.4 million for school and county projects. It <br />includes 70% for education, 2% for water and land, 2% for recreation and <br />parks, 4% for public works, 3% for public safety and 18% for buildings and <br />equipment. The CIP does not include funds from the November bond or impact <br />fees. The newcomers to the CIP include $950,000 for the community swimming <br />pool, $181,010 for the master client index, $50,000 for the Fairview Clay <br />Cap, $90,000 for the Sheriff's office renovations, $65,000 for handicapped <br />accessibility and $66,000 for the Alexander Dickson House. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, John Link stated <br />that part of the strategic plan for EMS will be to identify two additional <br />locations for EMS ambulances and personnel. These are included in the CIP <br />for funding beginning in 1995-96. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS. <br />Dan Kidd, President of the Triangle Youth Hockey Association, stated <br />that they have identified available funds including some which are interest <br />free that can be extended to the County. The Daniel Boone ice rink has been <br />opened on a temporary basis. They have done a lot of investigation on the <br />pool. They will get free architectural help- and other builders and <br />architects to,help make the facility energy efficient. He asked for the <br />County Commissioners support. He feels the pool facility will certainly <br />expand the opportunities for the youth in the community as well as expand the <br />activities offered by the County's Recreation and Parks Department. The <br />requests for use of this facility are increasing. People want to know what <br />facilities will be available. He feels a swimming pool will be beneficial <br />to the community. <br />Susan Waldrop, Chair of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Council, <br />expressed her strong support for the lease purchase of this pool emphasizing <br />that this offers a unique opportunity for central Orange County. She noted <br />that this facility will be near I-40 or I-85 and will serve all of Orange <br />County. She emphasized that the need is desperate. This facility will be