Agenda - 10-12-2010 - 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-12-2010 - Work Session
Agenda - 10-12-2010 - 2
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Last modified
4/23/2013 3:44:18 PM
Creation date
10/8/2010 9:46:30 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 10-12-2010
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r ac <br />•TRIANGLE LAND <br />CONSERVANCY <br />f <br />September 9, 2010. <br />Commissioner Valerie Foushee <br />Chair, Board of Orange County Commissioners <br />200 South Cameron Street <br />PO Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278• <br />Dear Chairperson Foushee; <br />I write to respectfully request that Orange' County award Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC) a grant of $50,000 from its Lands <br />Legacy Program to help cover some of the costs of TLC's May 2010 acquisition of the 613 -acre Brumley Forest at the <br />intersection of New Hope Church Road and Old NC 10 (please see enclosed map). <br />Triangle Land Conservancy raised $4,05D,000 to purchase this traet which was identified as a prime forest area in A Landscape <br />with Wildlife. Part 2 (Haven, Ludington. and Hall, 1999} —from private donors, the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund, <br />and the City of Raleigh through the Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative. The $4;050,000 purchase price was an approximately <br />50% bargain sale of the-appraised $8,890,000 value, which means that the seller (The Zeist Foundation) contributed $4,840,000 <br />in,property value. <br />Owned by George and Julia Brumley until their tragic deaths in a2003 airplane crash, title to the land transferred to the Brumley <br />family's private foundation in Atlanta, and it was one of the county's largest privately -held properties. Triangle Land . <br />Conservancy purchased it because of its conservation values, including protection of water quality (a major tributary of the Eno <br />River runs through it), healthy outdoor recreation, and wildlife habitat. <br />As with our other conservation lands, Triangle Land Conservancy will apply for property tax exemption in January 2011, but we <br />are faced with a pro -rated property tax liability of $50,000 for 2010 because the property was taken out of present use value <br />taxation when the,owner sold to TLC. As a nonprofit conservation organization, Triangle Land Conservancy does not qualify for <br />present use value. <br />Although TLC cannot apply for present use value taxation, the land management for this 613- acretract•will not change under <br />TLC's ownership. We will keep it in'trees, manage for wildlife, and eventually invite the public i&-visit and hike. So the property <br />will not require more county , services than it needed under the previous owner. <br />In addition, Orange County received $216,000 in rollback property, taxes whet; TLC purchased the land. This is $2161*000 that the <br />.county would not have collected if the property remained in present use value. <br />Thank you very much for your consideration cf TLC's grant request Orange County's Ieadership in conservation is inspiring, <br />and I am grateful for a long history of TLC and Orange County partnering to protect water quality, wildlife habitat and healthy <br />lifestyles.l would be happy to discuss the matter more fully and to make a presentation if it is helpful. <br />Sincerely yours, <br />Kevin Brice ' <br />President <br />Cc: Frank Clifton, Orange County Manager - <br />P.S. I invite you and all county commissioners to a celebration, of the Brumley Forest acquisition on Monday October 11 at 1:30 <br />at the property. We will recognize the project's funding partners at this event <br />1101 Haynes Street • Suite 205 • Raleigh NC 27604 <br />T919.833.3662 F919.755.9356 <br />www. tri <br />
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