<br />' Governor ~~ ~® ~~e`~1°~ ~~~ ~#~ ~~~
<br />~ ~ recomme Jm~ Hunt is ~~~~t
<br />•. riding to the
<br />Na#iooal pates SaR, .:~ land is
<br />~...._
<br />be expected #o
<br />~~~ orr ~ . Working with•otlier local ,governments, Fail. Purchased this
<br />~ 'S ~"z7-~~ f •environxnental experts and private local sfra The PrOPerty
<br />~'OUn~y S~e~~he~t~s IOC~I ~ advocates, the commissioners' efforts line ddles the county
<br />have a15o lirought•to fruition a biennial east p f G
<br />Road ~,,; f uses
<br />e~vironYnentc~l e~orts state of the Environrilent report, which in Urar,n_ h 13s acres
<br />• data at aPocat ln~ pre~nt~environrna~•_• ~u~DAY sEa~R~`~~bs and 22~
<br />Nether we are exploring the • ~,.- CARn1.it~A .
<br />new bike trails at Little "~-•i,A-suKltiultti~'~o~µ
<br />Park, or sitting . •ri-l~K~+ ~ ~ }~ ~~~ ~ ~jdean~;r
<br />outside the old courthousE, {. ~~(;1`C~,1 ~~ rtes
<br />for granted how lucky we a ~®~,~C~S '`~ ~~~oroethe ~n ha
<br />rounded by the pristine beat ®~~~~~ ~®~~ ~~ xsltn~''~'wae ~ ne ~e1`a ~~~~ 'mentsr
<br />Orange County.. ~ elteithsrecD d9a~~t whoh•~~P ~ad+ah~ `~ ~~ton,~~ yon o ~~ •~ yyor '
<br />d the arbo to be wt down ,
<br />In recent ears, Oran e Col oxleTS ate i~dsm ~ ~~'l~ ~~~g ~~~ano' r~ worx ~ ay ~ k
<br />' merit has made a concentrate. ~~ pxeseTVPS azborettun is now ~d ~ ;3me- to eolleet ed. ~~, M e ~ n~Ys r
<br />y g ~~~~ of rotectedlam a mmblossom YeeXpressed B ro~bowm YP vats , Re-
<br />ensure that our beautlfnl sum ~}~07'et~I ~ ToHntshtP•, T~ ° edm ~ rn~~a ecl~b ~~~asitve ~ ag~nO~p has~abauY ="~o- •jr~nt
<br />will remain for generations to pxxvale Y caAx~~ ~°~"~,a~ios~ Smb~~~°w ~~`b mn ~ p~"`~. be~~h ~'o"`~., al~.a ~, ~_eg_
<br />5Y EM1-b~»wsu-tws ptaentfi ~ ~w ~ anndposeath~ ~.Rebeueves were starter by
<br />. Those efforts have, in large pa «~+d~ . ~ lead ea ~ q,artes 1`` tffit~ -, ~' ~ scarxaaw•
<br />STi3G~ T~'~~' sway ~eePs ~o owns lti. herbaceous P , ~ yvnre w ~plfl kaow~at~ok
<br />. spearheaded by the Board of C ~ypnawlnd~g~~~~cart'- ~"" earny ~~CB ~t ~~ d ~"`~`~~` ~1~~
<br />COUnt COrFIIDiSS14neIS who i stthe ~ ~ a road t ~ of A wprldWitl d d1e world ittvaslve lu ate mtuke na" seidl5m'~~ adjacent to . Ve
<br />y = _ borosit5JD~d~~n~a~es. 'II•eesfrotn ~utJIIim-.amonkaY ~altanlm~ gs~`t~a~le~to seraed 1438~.`Ifsawondar- 7f
<br />yeazs, have created vazious gro~ t~ ~~ _il a• e%c~ ~,e,dhem ~ ~_ ~~•"zwanes~bid~rotlred ~eh?;s~°p
<br />initiatives to focus an enviranm ~ 'where try' S p everBrern °~ es not end ~°am~'=v rMha--- ~ ~-" ~ "F
<br />pine v~ Provi
<br />section. Tn the past decade, con b ~`°"SP~a d~~ b~~~'' ~t~y~°re a. ~~In,~o•~ •' tQ da
<br />for seleniifte to the dtc seen too m , ~G'Oltf ' ~
<br />ere have.created a Commission 1 parpoaes, acoordittg '_`"`"•• '"' `"ue on pQbe2~
<br />Environment, a Environment anc h0°~ - •: ~~ ule examples of the Board of
<br />Resources Conservation Department and; ~ • Orange County Commissioners and so
<br />many other groups and ixldivicluals, we
<br />most recently, a county-wide program f can ensure ~ bright future fo'r generations
<br />aimed'at the preservation of open space ~ to come. '
<br />and natural azeas. ~ .
<br />~~y, ~,~ zoos.. ~®0V®RDd~9.
<br />.' • . .
<br />servation easements to the county for some of
<br />hey seem to Pop' up tike a Jack in the their land or sold pt'oPerty to a local copserva-
<br />Box, anew development here, another lion group.
<br />one there. The good news is that we are 2'hat means their land will be protected in
<br />one of the fastest girowing areas in the state; perpetuitq from development. The property
<br />owners have helped preserve farfniattd•along
<br />we are attractive Yo others and morn and more Dairyland Road and in Cedar Grove, and dif-
<br />people want to live here and enjoy the high fexent pieces of riverfront property along the
<br />quahty of life here. Eno }tiver•.
<br />That means more houses, more cottcrote. By doing so, all these landowners have made
<br />The new developments go up with~~ ~ ~ that sent residents oPorange Coun-
<br />reca4iagthe aaturalfeaturethey dtsP een space as they ~, ~
<br />make way for the new homes or the new strtP to retain as much of the gr as well as our chip area that offers more
<br />malls can. will be able to en3oy.
<br />And our very attractiveness becomes the They do that through zoning and other ordi• than cement and siding.
<br />napt.es. But there is only ~ much local offi- ~ the landowners Probably could have
<br />reason we become denser, homogeptzed, less
<br />diverse, less attractive. uicldX cials can do without the help of local citizens. done better - at least rmancia}ly'by selling
<br />Orange County is subnrbanizhtg 4 ~ a few words of thanks are in order to theirpropertiestoadevelopexButrathea'than
<br />what had been, until fairly receptlY; a Predom- Everett and Lewis Cheek, Mark and Lori the quick proYit, they leoked to the long-'time
<br />inaptly rural county -once You got out of Vol Carl and Elizabeth wallets, and Glenn future -not just of themselves and their chit
<br />Chapel Bill, Carrboro or Hillsborough -has P ~ ~~da ~~, drep. but of their community to stay at
<br />been losing its farmland and its green space at TaPP ro er owners All of us who want Change County
<br />a steady rate. All these Orange County P B tY een are in their debt.,
<br />It's why local governments have been hying have in recent days granted agricultarai con- least a Httle gr
<br />