Orange County NC Website
Couple dives <br />timeless gift <br />to county <br />reside~rts <br />Ca~•Z anti Eve Shy agree to grant <br />n conse~~atitm easement that <br />mill preserve their "magical" land <br />By BQB SBAPARD r-zr~dZ <br />chhG~'; 732-6397 <br />F~~S ~ s <br />.. faff kepo~ <br />:•C On SeF~ 6; the • ' .'. .. .O'1 <br />;fa+ado~d °n easac~ n~~ba o~~ $o~ ~ and ~8 Ztt~a~, <br />Tye' con not+lttves tO Froteq 78 n~ of a tins °g&~~.. tax 6enef <br />R~o nclttd s C°untY's ~an~ as ~~' ~ of ~~ 6~ ~-'t~•d~Btant <br />web Zand ~ ationti~ ~ USbq Fro !gam Sl2S.ZSO.~over tt,ohre <br />Ptog~~r. Fad end a ~e'Tatea:; .. <br />avaljaFilef~ o~~a. <br />~?]ISelF ~ ' ' <br />°utrltase~n$O.Coo <br />ttaiain8 38A~' .cons ty <br />- ~ ~`'~4 0 <br />B ~a leaders <br />~~~: and ~~- <br />.~. >r <br />~ is <br />10 <br />HILLSBOROUGH -Orange County. has `~: `~ ;~;' •'-' ~, r f, s ; .' .'.~`:,?~~~ , ~~ ~{~ <br />secured its second conservation easement, ~ •~f'" t, ,~ ""'' f - <br />donated by Carl and Eve Shy on about 45 acres ;~~"> •• _.'_~ ~'°ry , ~ •- <br />near the Cane Creek Reservoir in the central ~-, ~ • - .-• ' ,~'~:~ r ~ .: ~ <br />part of the county. a ~ "r .~ i ~~; - ~~.. `~.. ; ~ ~.~y ~~ <br />With conservation easements, owners beep ry .~' . ,~'~ .. • .~~ ~•A~ ,. ' ~ .~ ~ y. <br />the land but give up the right to develop it. Ease- <br />marts also can yield tax benefits for the owners. <br />Owners can pass slang or ~Pll ^-- •® ~~®1 ~,~. <br />easemPh*~ '- - <br />`~ ~~ ' of the' NA~• ass at~d • app xo- <br />. .~" /r~•7 ~ cis,. chess. - - ' . we've beesi• fortunate top . <br />- lion o£ pxioxitp natvxali - ~ -~• ids comm:tttee• o'beetl tect'impot Nam {~utute ,. <br />~'~ '~" ~ xesouxce.lands irl. ~p• ,: • . The program has als .land-bank <br />The Oxarige.G~un ~ceived . ~ the ~Txust foz 'rage sites, p ace and <br />' ~gacy Pxogxam 200x' acid has since.pxotecfed • ,xecog~ed- by . axklands and o en. sP <br />Couslti3l' S'.'~•- ~~7G~;aczes. - • ' ' ~~ ` Politic Land and the Natiana ' ~ ensure that pxsme and threat- <br />. afiExcellence in o f ~~ ' be he=e fox <br />-~g"avraxd. ~ "The success o£', ~ xo ° Association Pied farmland ~ said David <br />~e•I~at3.oaa1 Association .~gandisnplem~tattonp,.-: ,o~e'o£,two;z~1exs-u' ,.~cultux ~' <br />I~lans1ex's last month act xesulti flf the °ha •~ ~,ul s envixoiz- <br />o,~ :Goutity - fox • cess, is the tlix went :2007 .national' C ~unt P~jj~~11 ~':~pctox. <br />e xo am ' '• commi.. , . , ,. I1~y~,s.c <br />i xeco ed : th p ~ overivhelm~g . <br />~ - 'achievement in • Orange 'Cowin' t)Vrnaasoav, Qcroaen a, zoos • 3A, ~~~,i, o7xz <br />e ' olitsfandu'g -__, ~,,p,G ;r of <br />~~ ~ ~~ t® <br />we 'build upon the achieve- R~Se3 ~1~ <br />Front Statf Reports merits of our ,trend-settiap & raspb <br />Orange County's Lands 'i'h&a McKee pro ~' ~t"r' R®~~S ~rrte3 <br />Legacy Program, in conjunction ppnme soils that had . be PrQ t0 0 <br />with tlreUSDAFarm aad Raaeh farmed by several genexati fa C/l -ami range <br />Land Protecdrnr Program a~ of the ]Birk family. 'the f li'II/%ar whjCl? CO(,ihl, ~, <br />the local o#ftce of the Natural was gsed as a model for der t?ktt t0 ma n° `Y S n <br />Resotuce Coaaervalion Service satating sort conservation nor mOSt Y t ~a dS <br />~ (NRCS):hasagreedtoacquirea, rites w other Orange C °n th@%rdlnarlly reS%den be all t ~egaC <br />perpetual consatvatiaa ease- farmers antil recant Year IJ <br />beb 9°od ~ bit at y <br />t meat on,a 92-acre farm in the land Became falir elf and Wilj <br />~ Bingham Township that tics McKas. whd also 0 <br />within the Cane Crcelc protected farm in LaRle River ? ether pe t rnpOrta!)~ h aO~s <br />watushed.-the primary watei Nava improved the ASSO Ople WO!-k <br />snppIy for Chapel FIrIl sad intend to bang it Clot/ ha y <br />Catrboro. acrivease. p!'eSent On Of C e nOt%C <br />The easement serves a dual Conservatloncos l~la ed °U/I},~ ed. 1- <br />porpose of protecting pdmc land protectioq lac 1.. nnin9 a Zo~~ `Y Play ~e /Va <br />farmland and protecting the txn0y protects la ruS Aiy FkC Her tlpn <br />water quality of streartu adJa- .-------- or cnitural •tes qS t f°r P and t° Q'(Jen S reCQ a/ <br />cent to a farm with a long rewrd. •~ McKee fatnfly has offered We county an easement an their prop• while •provid"mf sOGa ubI%C the pr Ce !n C ntl y <br />of conservation management ~, on ttrudshaw Quarry Road to Ptotcctihe Cane Creak watershed, ~ ~r Le9a tj0/) O~ Cc~nd ah °9rdl~ °unty <br />practices. y,h~, ~ the taabi wateriaS sonrca for Carrhoto and Chapel 1118 and is h , a a . <br />The farm is owned by David located on Bradshaw tluarry Read. wet. e~ M~ Hatt°rtal°nC' ° f tW tint/FaS n t P J~at% n thQ <br />O a O <br />and Vickie bfcKee; and is locat- <br />od oa Bzadshaw Quarry Road. wnscxvation easement is ?A04. '"The MalCeea, and before ba the-woo' °nSe!-ya °Uf/ty ~ ~n!?erS mE'Cr Cah Hal <br />Cana Creek and its itibntary. .~, Lands .Legacy Ptograra them the Kirks. have caeried oa tion carer Year % tl°n eade Up f dS <br />' Hog Branch: icrve as the wet- applied for and received a grant the best.traditions of agdpuitme saes, and pt. n a r aWdr ~IJ% or tf7 <br />era•aad eastern boundaries of from • the 1fSDA Fazm and is Orange Counry," said Baay coal 10 t °9/'a~ °IN the d. This p In E' <br />the farm. Ranch Land protection Program Jacobs, Ora board of commis- fezms m l1 °n haS bra IS t <br />'For many Yeazsi the 92 acres to a for 50 cent of:We cost sinners chaitnran. "we arc wanted °! : been n9e C he SeC <br />was a paR of a Iatge dairy farm P Y ~ <br />operated and owned by the tau far •the casement acgmsrtron. indeed fommau to forge part- grants. rUnn ount hd <br />'the umhaee ce for the ease naships such as Ihls with tilt of ~ }~ <br />Robert and tvfemtt Kul:. Roben went is ~ approximately longstanding stewards of pri- commeras4 Sena tFam J~ einam I/p f°r t <br />]{irk, Vickie McKee's father, SG00,000. vale property in our county as . cd3orial@news°t°r+nC°-~"~ list <br />had initiated an iogtriry about a <br />