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19 <br />How does the health reform law affect Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSIIJ payments? <br />The health reform law does implement Medicaid DSH reductions-from 2014 to 2019, the law contains a total of $14.1 <br />billion in Medicaid DSH cuts. <br />Does the health reform law contain any new requirements for nonprofit hospitals? <br />Yes-in 2010, there are additional requirements for nonprofit hospitals to provide charity care, as well as conduct and <br />implement a community health needs assessment in coordination with public health experts and community leaders. <br />These new requirements will be enforced through a $50,000 annual fee for noncompliance. <br />Delivery Systems, Health Care Access and Ouality Improvement <br />Does the health reform law contain measures that may help improve health care access, delivery and quality? <br />Yes there are a number of provisions within the law that are designed to improve access to quality health Gaze. <br />Medicaid, Medicare & CHIP Delivery System, Access and Quality Improvement Measures <br />Does the health reform law contain initiatives that are designed to improve Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's <br />Health Insurance Program (CHIP)? <br />Yes-the health reform law authorizes the creation of a Center for Medicaze and Medicaid Innovation. This unit within <br />the Centers for Medicaze and Medicaid Services will be responsible for coordinating pilot and demonstration projects for <br />payment and service delivery models to improve the efficiency and quality of Medicaze, Medicaid and CHIP. <br />What types of provisions within the health reform law may help improve care for individuals who are eligible for both <br />Medicare and Medicaid? <br />For individuals who aze eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (often referred to as "dual eligibles"), the law creates the <br />Federal Coordinated Health Care Office within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This office, to be <br />created in 2010, will be charged with improving Gaze coordination for dually eligible individuals to increase their access to <br />quality health caze. <br />What other Medicaid program innovations designed to improve care are in the health reform law? <br />The health reform law contains a number of new Medicaid demonstration projects: <br />• Bundled payments for episodes of care involving hospitalization (effective January 1, 2012-December 31, 2016) <br />• Global capitated payments to safety net hospital systems (effective FY2010-FY2012) <br />• Allow pediatric medical providers to share in cost-savings if they are organized as accountable Gaze organizations <br />(effective January 1, 2012-December 31, 2016) <br />• Provide Medicaid payments to institutions of mental disease for adult enrollees who require stabilization of an <br />emergency condition (effective October 1, 2011-December 31, 2015) <br />Also, the law extends the Medicaid Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration program through September <br />2016. Additionally, in 2011, there will be a new state plan option to permit certain Medicaid enrollees to designate a <br />provider as a health home. Eligible enrollees would be individuals with at least two chronic conditions, one condition and <br />the risk of developing another, or at least one serious and persistent mental health condition. Participating states would be <br />given a 90 percent FMAP for two years. <br />13 <br />