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18 <br />gants which will be available to state and local health departments (however these gants are authorized but not <br />appropriated). <br />How specifically has the funding for FY2010 in the Prevention and Public Health Fund been allocated? <br />On June 16, 2010 the first $250 million allocation of the fund for fiscal year 2010 was announced for efforts to strengthen <br />the primary care workforce and on June 18, 2010 the second $250 million allocation of the fund for fiscal year 2010 was <br />announced for initiatives that support prevention and enhance public health infrastructure. For more information about <br />the funding for development of the primary care workforce, see: <br /> html and for more information about the funding for prevention <br />and public health, see: http://www.healthreform.goy/newsroom/acanrevention html. <br />What other provisions in the health reform law support efforts to provide preventive services? <br />In the first plan year beginning after September 23, 2010, non-gandfathered plans (new plans created after March 23, <br />2010) will be required to provide coverage that includes preventive services, immunizations and screenings without <br />beneficiary cost-sharing requirements. (Also mentioned in the Important Issues for Employers section) <br />Does the health reform law contain any broad federal efforts to enhance public health? <br />Yes-in 2011, the National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council will be created and will include <br />representatives from a range of federal agencies. The council will be charged with developing a national prevention and <br />health promotion strategy. <br />Does the health reform law contain provisions that are designed to help individuals make healthier food choices? <br />Yes-in 2011, the law requires chain restaurants and food sold from vending machines to provide information about each <br />item's nutritional content. <br />Maintaining a Safety Net <br />Under the health reform law, can states require counties to contribute additional funds for the non federal share of <br />Medicaid? <br />No-the law stipulates that states cannot require counties to contribute a Beater percentage of the non-federal share of <br />Medicaid than they contributed in 2009; however, this does not apply to the normal administrative FMAP. <br />Will there be any changes in Medicaid provider payment rates to help increase access to care? <br />Yes, there will be temporary increases-in 2013 and 2014, Medicaid payments for primary care services will be increased <br />to match Medicaze payment levels. <br />How will this increase in Medicaid provider payment rates be financed? <br />This temporary increase in Medicaid provider payment rates will be fully federally-financed. <br />How does the health reform law affect current eligibility standards for Medicaid & the Children's Heath Insurance <br />Program (CHIP)? <br />The health reform law includes maintenance-of--effort (MOE) requirements designed to help ensure current levels of <br />Medicaid and CHIP coverage, meaning that states must maintain current eligibility standazds for Medicaid and CHIP. <br />This means that states cannot reduce adults' existing Medicaid eligibility until January 1, 2014 when the state-based <br />health insurance exchanges are implemented, and for children, states cannot reduce their Medicaid or CHIP eligibility <br />until September 30, 2019. <br />12 <br />