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17 <br />Does the health reform law contain any assistance for small businesses that would like to provide their employees with <br />health insurance coverage? <br />Yes-beginning in 2010, employers with 25 employees or fewer and annual wages averaging less than $50,000 can <br />receive a tax credit if they offer health insurance for their employees. <br />How much will the tax credit be for small employers? <br />Small employers that purchase health insurance for employees will be provided with a tax credit of up to 35 percent of the <br />employer's contribution to employee health insurance premiums in tax years 2010-2013. For tax years 2014 and beyond, <br />eligible small employers that purchase coverage through a health insurance exchange will be provided with a tax credit of <br />up to 50 percent of the employer's contribution to employee health insurance premiums. The credit phases out as the size <br />of the firm and the average wage increases. <br />Are there any special requirements for large employers? <br />Yes-in 2014 employers with more than 200 employees will be required to automatically enroll their employees into <br />employer health insurance plans, although employees may choose to opt out of the plans. <br />Are individuals who are offered health benefits through their employer eligible for premium credits on the exchange? <br />No, unless the plan offered by their employer does not have an actuarial value of at least 60 percent or if the employee's <br />share of the premium is in excess of 9.5 percent of his/her income. <br />Are there any provisions in the health reform law to assist employees who receive health insurance coverage through <br />their employer but cannot afford their share of the premium? <br />Yes-for employees with incomes below 400% FPL and who have health insurance premium costs in excess of 8 percent <br />but less than 9.8 percent of their income, all employers that offer coverage to their employees will be required to provide <br />these employees with a free choice voucher. This voucher can be used to purchase coverage through the American Health <br />Benefit Exchange. <br />Will employers that provide free choice vouchers be subject to the employer penalties associated if their employees <br />receive premium tax credits on the exchange? <br />No---employers that provide these free choice vouchers will not be assessed with the employer penalties if any of their <br />employees obtain health insurance coverage through the exchange and receive a premium tax credit. <br />Public Health and Wellness <br />What new funding is available in the health reform law that supports the prevention and wellness efforts of state and <br />local health departments? <br />One of the ways the health reform law supports investment in prevention and public health programs is through the <br />creation of afederally-operated Prevention and Public Health Fund. <br />How much funding is available through the Prevention and Public Health Fund? <br />In FY2010, there will be $500 million in funding available, with gradual funding increases each year to reach $2 billion in <br />FY2015 and totaling to $15 billion over 10 years. <br />How will funding from the Prevention and Public Health Fund be made available? <br />The fund will be administered by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, who will transfer funds <br />to programs authorized by the Public Health Service Act, including new programs such as the Community Transformation <br />11 <br />