Agenda - 10-12-2010 - Board of Health Meeting
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-12-2010 - Joint Mtg. - Board of Health
Agenda - 10-12-2010 - Board of Health Meeting
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Last modified
10/8/2010 9:36:39 AM
Creation date
10/8/2010 9:36:35 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
Bd Of Health
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Minutes 10-12-2010
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11 <br />Can more than one health insurance exchange exist in a state? <br />Yes-more than one exchange can exist in a state, and a state can choose to form a regional exchange, but each exchange <br />must cover a distinctive geographic area. <br />Can employers with more than 100 employees purchase coverage for their employees from the exchange? <br />Not initially-however, in 2017, states have the option to allow businesses with more than 100 employees to purchase <br />insurance from an exchange. <br />Will there be subsidies to help low-income individuals afford coverage through the exchange? <br />Yes-there will be premium credits for individuals and families with incomes between 133-400%FPL based on a sliding <br />income scale to help them purchase coverage through the exchanges as well as cost-sharing subsidies for individuals and <br />families with incomes between 100-400% FPL based on a sliding income scale to help pay for high out-of-pocket costs. <br />Will plans within the exchange need to meet certain benefit package standards? <br />Yes-the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services will define an essential health benefits package <br />which provides a comprehensive array of services and meets certain criteria, such as limits on annual cost sharing and that <br />it is not more expensive than an average employer plan. All plans offered through the exchange aswell asnon- <br />grandfathered (new plans created after March 23, 2010) individual and employer sponsored plans offered outside of the <br />exchange are required to provide at a minimum the essential health benefits package. <br />What specific levels of coverage will be available through the exchange? <br />The exchange will have five benefit categories of plans offering different levels of coverage, as follows: <br />• Bronze: Offers minimum essential health benefits; covers at least 60 percent of the benefit costs of the plan; out- <br />of-pocket limit same as current limit on Health Savings Accounts ($5,950 for individuals, $11,900 for families) <br />• Silver: Offers minimum essential health benefits; covers at least 70 percent of the benefit costs of the plan;. out-of- <br />pocket limits same as current limit on Health Savings Accounts <br />• Gold. Offers minimum essential health benefits; covers at least 80 percent of the benefit costs of the plan; out-of- <br />pocket limits same as current limit on Health Savings Accounts <br />• Platinum: Offers minimum essential health benefits; covers at least 90 percent of the benefit costs of the plan; <br />out-of-pocket limits same as current limit on Health Savings Accounts <br />• Catastrophic: Only available to individuals up to age 30 or individuals who are exempt from the insurance <br />coverage mandate; will operate like ahigh-deductible health plan and will offer catastrophic coverage only; also, <br />this plan is only available on the individual market, and not through an exchange. <br />Will individuals with pre-existing conditions be able to obtain coverage through the health insurance exchanges? <br />Yes-in 2014, insurers will not be permitted to deny coverage to any individual based on pre-existing health conditions, <br />including plans offered through the exchange. <br />What will individuals with coverage through state-based high-risk pools do when the state-based health insurance <br />exchanges are created in 2014? <br />Individuals that receive coverage through state-based high-risk pools will most likely transition into the American Health <br />Benefit Exchanges because they may be able to obtain more affordable coverage through the exchanges, since the plans <br />on the exchanges cannot deny coverage or charge higher rates due to health status. <br />Will there be assistance for individuals enrolling in the exchanges? <br />Yes-there will be a web portal will help consumers navigate their options in the individual and small business private <br />market so they can determine if they may be eligible for a variety of existing public programs, including existing state <br />5 <br />
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