2005 NS Health Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Human Services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2005 NS Health Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Human Services
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Last modified
4/26/2013 4:39:04 PM
Creation date
10/7/2010 8:29:49 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Consolidated Agreement - Final <br />N <br />iii Line item 103 on the Local Appropriation Budget must be used to budget other earned revenues <br />(e.g., Home Health fees, patient fees (cash), other insurance payments, and other grants and <br />donations) for each program activity, if applicable. <br />2) When preparing DEN R Program Budgets. <br />Line item 9000 on the program budget form must be used to budget the total of lines 101, 102, <br />and 103. <br />ii Line item 101 on the program budget form must be used to budget local County appropriations <br />for each program budget, if applicable. <br />i i i Line item 102 on the program budget form is to be used to budget TM Medicaid earned <br />revenues for each program budget. However, environmental health programs should not have <br />any Medicaid to budget. <br />iv Line item 103 on the program budget form must be used to budget other earned revenues (e.g., <br />Environmental Health Fees, grants, donations, etc.) for each program, if applicable. <br />f. When reporting expenditures (local appropriations or earned fees) the department must use the <br />electronic Aid - to-Counties Website. The Expenditure Reports must be submitted monthly in the <br />electronic Website format and certified in the website to the DHHS Controller's Office. <br />The health director and the finance officer will approve the monthly Expenditure Report in the Aid-to- <br />Counties Website and the system will alert the staff in the DHHS Controller's Office that expenditures <br />have been approved and certified. The "Certification" verifies in writing that the total State and Federal <br />expenditures reported are valid. Local expenditures are part of the Expenditure Report, but are not <br />included in the amount verified in the "Certification." Local appropriations must be reported monthly <br />along with the State and Federal expenditures. <br />1) Line item 101 in the Aid - to-Counties Website must be used to report local appropriations that were <br />expended on a monthly basis <br />2) 2. Line item 102 in the Aid - to-Counties Website must be used to report Title XIX (Medicaid) earned <br />revenues that were expended on a monthly basis <br />3) Line item 103 in the Aid - to-Counties Website must be used to report other earned revenues that <br />were expended on a monthly basis. <br />o. A local account shall be maintained for unexpended earned revenues [i.e., Title XIX fees, private <br />insurance or private pay {cash)). Accounts shall be maintained in sufficient detail to identify the <br />program source generating the fees. <br />h. The amount of Title XIX fees budgeted and expended in FY 2005 -2006 must equal or exceed the <br />amount of Title XIX revenues earned during FY 2003 -2004. The state will not approve program <br />activity budgets that do not include an amount of Title XIX fees sufficient to meet the requirements of <br />this section. The State may waive this requirement if the Department provides sufficient justification. <br />i. When reporting expenditures for Environmental Health, Childhood Lead, CDC Childhood Lead <br />Poisoning Prevention, or Food and Lodging, the Department must use the electronic Expenditure Report <br />— prepared and maintained by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of <br />Environmental Health (DENR -DEH). This report shall be submitted monthly in an electronic format as <br />an attachment to an email to designated staff in the DENR Controller's Office and the Division of <br />Environmental Health. <br />
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