2005 NS Health Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Human Services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2005 NS Health Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Human Services
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Last modified
4/26/2013 4:39:04 PM
Creation date
10/7/2010 8:29:49 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Consolidated Ap eement - Final <br />is <br />3. Funds for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention will be disbursed once per year. The number of confirmed <br />cases identified in the prior calendar year will determine the amount received by each county. A separate <br />signed and completed Budget Form (DENR 2948) and Addendum (DENR 3300) for Childhood Lead <br />Poisoning Prevention must be submitted by December 31" in order to receive these funds. <br />4. Funds for counties receiving the CDC Lead Poisoning Prevention Grant will be dispersed monthly based <br />upon monthly Expenditure Reports. For the current fiscal year these CDC funds will be disbursed to <br />Buncombe, Craven, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Guilford and Mecklenburg Counties only. <br />5. Payments shall be suspended when expenditure reports are not received by the time specified (see CA.a.). <br />Payments will resume the month following the receipt of the delinquent expenditure reports according to the <br />DHHS Controllers office schedule for OSC E- Payments issued in,November or December of each year for <br />the following calendar year. <br />6. Total payment by program activity is limited to the total amount of the "Funding Authorization" and any <br />revisions received after the initial "Funding Authorization" notification. <br />7. Final payments for the SFY will be made based on the Final monthly (May services/ submitted in June <br />Report) Expenditure Report. Final payments will be equal to the difference between approved reported <br />expenditures and the sum of previous payments up to the limits of the approved budget. Final payments <br />should be made no later than the June OSC E- Payment period per the DHHS Controller's Office schedule, <br />provided that an Expenditure Report and certification, via the Aid -to- Counties Website for each month have <br />been received by the DHHS Office of the Controller, and that the Staff Time Activity Report, 3389 has been <br />received by the State. Corrections /Amendments to the Expenditures reported by Departments will not <br />be accepted after the Mav month of service claim for the current year <br />I. AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT <br />Amendments, modifications, or waivers of this agreement may be made at any time by mutual consent of all <br />parties. Amendments shall be in writing and signed by appropriate authorities. <br />J. PROVISION OF TERMINATION <br />Either party may terminate this agreement for reasons other than non - compliance upon sixty (60) days written <br />notice. If termination should occur, the Department shall receive payment only for allowable expenditures. <br />The State may withhold payment to the Department until the State can determine whether the Department is <br />entitled to further payment or whether the State is entitled to a refund. <br />K. COMPLIANCE <br />1. The State shall respond to non - compliance with all terms of this agreement as follows: <br />a. Upon determination of non - compliance, the State shall give the Department sixty (60) days written <br />notice to come into compliance. If the deficiency is corrected, the Department shall submit a written <br />report to the State that sets forth the corrective action taken. <br />b. If the above deficiencies should not be corrected to the satisfaction of the State after the sixty (60) day <br />period, disbursement of funds for the particular activity may be temporarily suspended pending <br />negotiation of a plan of corrective action. <br />
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