2005 NS Health Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Human Services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2005 NS Health Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Human Services
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/26/2013 4:39:04 PM
Creation date
10/7/2010 8:29:49 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Consolidated Agreement - Final <br />ALL ADJUSTMENTS WITH THE INVOICE SUBMITTED TO THE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE AT <br />THE END OF MAY AS THAT WILL NOT ALLOW SUFFICIENT TIME FOR VERIFICATION OF <br />THE ADJUSTMENTS BEFORE THE LAST PAYMENT IN THE STATE FISCAL YEAR. <br />1) In accordance with item 4.c, above, each department must be mindful to keep current on reporting <br />adjustments against federal funds to ensure such adjustment is received in time to be paid within the <br />grant period for that grant. <br />2) In October, each department is to review all prior reimbursement claims against payments and <br />submit any request to add, correct, delete or amend any prior month's payment with the October or <br />November request for reimbursement. <br />3) In January, each department should review payments and expenditures for the prior quarter, as well <br />as run totals including the first quarter (July, August, September) to obtain and verify a mid -year <br />reconciliation to ensure that claims are accurate, and submit any request to add, correct, delete, or <br />amend any payment in the January or February expenditure report. <br />4) In April, each department should ensure that all claims are convect for the year to date, and submit <br />any request to add, correct, delete, or amend any expenditures with the expenditure report sent to the <br />Controller's Office in May, that is, the adjustment items would be sent in with the billing for the <br />April services that will be paid May. <br />5) The only adjustments, if any, that should be submitted with the May service expenditure report <br />submitted in June would be any missed on the prior month's claim. If a department waits until May <br />service month expenditure report submission to report adjustments, the DHHS Controller's Office <br />cannot guarantee those adjustments can be verified in time for the June payment. <br />6) Any adjustments not paid in the June payment for the current fiscal year either will not be paid, or <br />will have to be resubmitted for payment in the next fiscal year out of that fiscal year's allocation. <br />Any overpayments identified by either the State or the Department will be adjusted out of the next <br />month's claim for reimbursement by the DHHS Controller's Office. <br />f. The Department shall submit requests for payment for services provided under l0A NCAC 45.A rules to <br />the Claims Processing Unit, Purchase of Medical Care Services, DHHS Controller's Office. <br />g. The Department shall submit requests for reimbursement for nurse training to the Public Health Nursing <br />and Professional Development Unit. Form 3300 — Public Health Nurse Training Activity must be used <br />as the invoice for payment. <br />5. The Department shall submit to Administrative, Local and Community Support Section on an annual basis <br />the Staff Time Activity Report - DPH 3389. This report is due by July 20th. <br />D. PERSONNEL POLICIES <br />1. The Department shall adhere to and fully comply with State personnel policies as found in North Carolina <br />General Statute, Chapter 126, and 1 NCAC 8. Such policies include, but are not limited to, the following: <br />a. Equal employment opportunity, <br />b. Affirmative action, <br />c. Policies for local government employment subject to the State Personnel Act, <br />d. "Local Classification and Salary Range," <br />
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