Minutes 06-08-2010
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-08-2010
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Last modified
3/8/2016 3:05:10 PM
Creation date
10/6/2010 3:03:45 PM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 06-08-2010 - Agenda
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Frank Clifton said to just put some number in there and Commissioner Hemminger said <br /> $50,000-$75,000. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that $100,000 does not sound unreasonable to him, but he <br /> wants to make a commitment to fund the capital reserve at a certain level every year to be able <br /> to take care of these projects. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she would like to go higher than $50,000, such as <br /> $75,000. She does not want to see a lot of little things come before the Board. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> approve the Manager's recommendation concerning the content and format of the CIP. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 2 (Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Hemminger) <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that it would be more satisfactory if there was a way to <br /> track maintenance and repair items. <br /> 3. FY 2010-11 Annual Operation Budget Decision Items <br /> • Mark Up/Mark Down Items for the County's Annual Operating Budget and Outside <br /> Agencies <br /> Clarence Grier made reference to the Unreserved and Undesignated Fund Balance <br /> (blue bar graph). This year, it is anticipated that the County will have $21.5 million in <br /> unreserved and undesignated fund balance. This does include the $500,000 that was set <br /> aside for the Board to make decisions on. The second chart is the Fund Balance as a <br /> percentage of the General Fund. It is anticipated that the fund balance will be 11.9% of the <br /> general fund. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that, in considering the schools' proportion of the County <br /> budget, there are three items that are not attributed to the schools — School Resource Officers, <br /> Social Workers, and School Nurses. These items come out of the County budget and are not <br /> attributed to schools. He said that it is not reasonable to take an additional 48.1% of the <br /> general fund budget on top of this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that this reminds him that the 48.1% was always a target <br /> amount. He also agrees with Commissioner Yuhasz's point about the SRO's, Social Workers, <br /> and School Nurses. <br /> Frank Clifton said that Orange County is the only one that has this particular formula in <br /> place. The Board has the final decision in how to approach this issue. The policy was <br /> adopted in 2001 by the Board. He has not seen the whole package of this decision. <br /> Clarence Grier asked if the Board of County Commissioners would like to make <br /> suggested changes to the operating budget. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said to add back the $10,000 for the Small Business <br /> Development Centers for the Economic Development Department. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with that and said that they did ask the Economic <br /> Development Director to come and speak and advocate for what he would like. <br /> Economic Development Director Brad Broadwell said that his contract services were cut <br /> back significantly, and this was one of the services that were part of contract services. Also, <br /> the advertising budget was cut out as well, and is much needed for the "Buy Local" campaign. <br /> The third area is in agricultural marketing because the County will now need to market the <br /> Value-Added Processing Center. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked how much the small business loan pool was cut and Brad <br /> Broadwell said that it was cut by $14,000. <br /> Brad Broadwell said that he does not need to embark on a large advertising campaign, <br /> but he would like the $6,500 for the Buy Local campaign. <br />
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