Orange County NC Website
next week. The attached plan is a boiler-plate for the actual plan. This needs to be somewhat <br /> of an accelerated consolidation plan because of the potential 1/4-cent sales tax referendum. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this does not commit the County to any specific action. The %2- <br /> cent sales tax cannot be used to supplant any existing services, but only for expansion. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Transportation Advisory Board and asked <br /> which board there would be —the OUTBoard or the Transportation Services Board (TSB). <br /> Craig Benedict said that the Transportation Services Board is a staff function and would report <br /> to the OUTBoard for information purposes. The Transportation Advisory Board is now the <br /> OUTBoard. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the fees and said that the vehicle registration <br /> fees are allocated if the entity contributed to the operation. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the Board of County Commissioners adopts the fee and it is <br /> split. If there is a consolidation plan, it can be adopted contingent upon the consolidation plan. <br /> Craig Benedict answered several clarifying questions of the Board. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Sam Gharbo is a customer of the Orange County sewer and he said that he is glad to <br /> hear of the steps the Board of County Commissioners is making in adjusting the sewer fees. <br /> He thanked the County Commissioners for raising their level of involvement in this issue. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> Frank Clifton said that part of the Medicaid sales tax swap was a hold harmless <br /> agreement. The way it was supposed to work was that the County would receive a total of <br /> $2.6 million in Medicaid hold harmless money. The March payment, which was supposed to be <br /> a sizable portion of that, was only $700,000 and it was said that this was it. The good news is <br /> that the County did receive another$1 million in the August payment. He said that he is <br /> working on something for the employees, probably 401k, with the rest going into reserves. <br /> He said that the staff was assigned to work on the Efland sewer and he and the <br /> Attorney, along with other departments, met and have had discussions with the Mebane staff. <br /> There will be a more formal presentation in late fall. The staff is also working on library options <br /> for the southern part of the County. <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> John Roberts gave an update on the codification and said that they should have the <br /> general ordinances for approval within the next six months. The UDO will take substantially <br /> longer. The total cost for all of the review might about $15-16,000. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked about the process for maintaining and keeping the code <br /> updated and current. Donna Baker said that once it is codified, it will be done electronically. <br /> She suggested having someone within the County review it once it is done online by the <br /> reviewing agency. Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would like to have this done. <br /> 11. Appointments <br /> a. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee — New Appointments <br /> The Board considered making appointments to the Adult Care Home Community <br /> Advisory Committee. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to appoint Daniel Hatley and Vince Stevens to one-year training terms ending July 31, 2011 to <br /> the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. <br />