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Commissioner Gordon suggested having revisions more routinely than just annually. <br /> She suggested revising 5.2.3 as follows: "Reporting revisions of the plan to the Board of <br /> County Commissioners monthly, with an annual report that includes an overview and analysis." <br /> Commissioner Hemminger and Commissioner Pelissier said that it would not be <br /> necessary to do it every month and Chair Foushee suggested doing it "as necessary". <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> have a report within 30 days of the action, with an annual summary report. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve an amendment to Article VI, Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the Position Classification <br /> Plan. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> f. Amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance, Article II, Recruitment <br /> and Employment to Add Section 5.7 Appointments of Incumbents and Others <br /> to Vacant Positions <br /> The Board considered an amendment to Article II, Section 5.0 Appointments, a Section <br /> 5.7 Appointments of Incumbents and Others to Vacant Position. <br /> Michael McGinnis said that this allows for some flexibility in making appointments for <br /> vacancies. Currently, this is a cumbersome process. This amendment would allow for more <br /> flexibility. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about contract and grant employees. Frank Clifton said <br /> that this would also allow for flexibility if a certain grant runs out and the employee is qualified <br /> for a vacant position. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the way this reads to him is way too global. He would <br /> be more comfortable if it were more specific. He asked that staff make this more focused. <br /> Annette Moore said that they could do some administrative rules to go along with this. <br /> She said that this language is in the State Personnel Act and was not meant to be global. She <br /> will add some additional language to make it more specific. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she had similar concerns. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would be comfortable with the addition of the <br /> administrative rules. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> approve an amendment to Article II, Section 5.0 Appointments, a Section 5.7 Appointments of <br /> Incumbents and Others to Vacant Position, with the amendment of asking Staff Attorney <br /> Annette Moore to bring back to the Board a set of administrative rules. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Orange Public Transportation — Chapel Hill Transit Consolidation Study <br /> Update <br /> The Board received a report on the status of the Orange Public Transportation — <br /> Chapel Hill Transit Consolidation Study. <br /> Craig Benedict made this presentation. He said that the Planning Department, the <br /> Manager's Office, Chapel Hill Transit, and NCDOT have begun to pursue the OPT-CHT <br /> consolidation study process. The Managers got together to discuss this possible consolidation. <br /> NCDOT will be the Project Manager for this. The possible cost to the County is 10%. The <br /> exact scope of services is not yet known. The consultants will be narrowed down within the <br />